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What makes employee-volunteering schemes successful?


The Corporate Responsibility Group

CSR Masterclass Series

What makes employee-volunteering schemes successful?

Wednesday 16th October 2002

Time - 10.45 for 11.00

Location - tbc

In 2001, in England and Wales, seven per cent of the population volunteered through employer-sup 232v2112c ported schemes[1]. 74 per cent of FTSE 100 companies have some kind of employee volunteering programme. Interest and participation in workplace volunteering is steadily rising in the UK and industrialised countries, particularly North America. For many companies corporate volunteerism is now a significant element of their efforts to demonstrate their commitment to the communities in which they operate. Workplace volunteering is seen as a vital part of a company's recognition, at all levels of their workforce, of the responsibility the company has to the wider community.

Traditionally workplace-volunteering schemes have been regarded as a three-way partnership providing benefits for the employee, employer and local community. Tangible business benefits include improved skills and training; stronger team working and company loyalty; developed leadership skills; improved recruitment and retention, and enhanced image and reputation.

Increasingly some companies regard volunteerism as a global commitment, for example, AT&T and Kodak have recently established "global volunteer days"[2]. Rising expectations from both employees and the wider community are resulting in a wider diversity of employee workplace schemes including formal time off policies, volunteerism as professional development and matched payroll giving. Alongside this has been a rise in Government activity and evaluation methods to report on corporate investment in this area.

This Masterclass will focus on:

  • What makes a workplace-volunteering scheme successful?;
  • The elements necessary to establishing a strong programme that receives employee support;
  • What hasn't worked for some members?;
  • How to get senior management support for volunteer schemes?;
  • Which partnerships worked best for members case studies?; and
  • How to manage schemes internally?


Chair and case study: Chris Staples, Community Affairs Director, Zurich Financial Services. Zurich Financial Services won the Whitbread Community Involvement Company of the Year in 2001. Chris is a CRG Board Member.

Case Study: Catherine Kinman, Community Affairs Manager, LE Group. LE Group has been commended for their successful and innovative employee community initiative "Helping Hands".

Advice: Cathy McBain, Development Officer Employees in the Community Network, National Centre for Volunteering.

The National Centre for Volunteering

Business for Social Responsibility

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Accesari: 1167
Apreciat: hand-up

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