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Ammonium Carbonicum Sal Volatile


Ammonium Carbonicum Sal Volatile.

Indicated in affections of children and elderly people, nervous, of lymphatic temperament; particularly useful in the treatment of catarrhal 21121n137v affections, coughs, bronchitis, etc.

Very sensitive to the open air.

Great aversion to water.

Stoppage of nose at night; cannot breathe through the nose.

Nose bleeds easily; when washing the face; in the morning; from eating.

Ozaena, with copious discharge of bloody mucus.

Tip of nose looks red.

Cough of elderly people, rattling loose, yet difficult to raise anything; after much effort raises mucous, at times slightly tinged with specks of blood.

Night cough, worse at 3 or 4 o'clock a. m.; from tickling in the throat, as though there were dust in it.

Breathing oppressed; aggravated by slightest exertion and by entering a warm room.

Thick, red rash all over the body, like scarlet fever rash.

Burning, acrid leucorrhoea, watery; aversion to sexual intercourse.

Menses copious, black, too early, clotted, with sense of great exhaustion and chilliness.

Worse from cold; from being washed; on the right sided; from 3 to 4 a. m.

Better from lying on the affected side or on the stomach; in dry weather; from external pressure.

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