Argentum Metallicum - Silver.
Indicated in affections of the larynx, chiefly catarrhal inflammation, hoarseness, cough, and in affections of the joints.
Neuralgic headache, recurring daily, left sided, temporal; vertigo.
Hoarseness and aphonia, in professional singers.
Cough, excited by laughing.
Raw spot over the supra-sternal fossa.
Weakness of the (left) chest.
Rawness and soreness in the upper larynx when coughing not felt when swallowing.
Viscid, jelly-like mucus in the larynx, coughed up in the morning.
Easy expectoration of substance looking like boiled starch.
Bruised, drawing pains in the joints.
Worse when sitting still; from abuse of mercury; from touch or pressure; from using the voice.