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Camphora - Gum of Camphor Indicated in cholera and cholera morbus, and in attacks of diarrhoea which in violence suggest the choleric state


Camphora - Gum of Camphor

Indicated in cholera and cholera morbus, and in attacks of diarrhoea which in violence suggest the choleric state. A few whiffs o 747e423h f camphor in the early stage of a cold often breaks it up.

Intense, uncontrollable anxiety.

Face as though he were approaching collapse; cold; eyes sunken; nose pinched.

Extreme coldness of skin to touch, yet cannot bear to be covered.

Extreme restlessness; skin wrinkled, old-looking.

Sudden violent attacks of vomiting; almost incessant; watery.

Violent choleraic diarrhoea, with anguish, coldness of the body, cramps in calves of legs; pulse thready; tongue and mouth cold.

Rapid sinking of the vital forces. Coldness of breath.

Worse from cold air.

Better from warm air.

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