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Copaiva - Balsam of Copaiva


Copaiva - Balsam of Copaiva.

Indicated in affections of the mucous membrane, especially urinary and respiratory; useful in urinary catarrh - catarrh of the bladder, urethritis, gonorrhoea - and in coughs - laryngeal and bronchial. In also acts upon the skin and has been prescribed in urticaria and hives.

Burning cough with profuse purulent expectoration.

Cough with dryness and excoriating pain in the larynx, roughness of the voice, hoarseness, worse in the morning.

Burning in the urethra and neck of the bladder, frequent urging, even after urinating; micturition painful, often drop by drop, with turbid acrid discharge.

Urethral inflammation; pain at the orifice as if wounded; itching before and after urinating; burning while urinating; yellow, purulent discharge.

Urine smells of violets.

Urticaria, with heat, biting and violent itching.

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