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Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Boneset


Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Boneset. Thoroughwort.

Indicated in malarial conditions and fevers, chiefly intermittent fever; also in influenza. The severe aching in the (long) bones and the thirst a 23523i819x re characteristic.

Chill. Always preceded by thirst; thirst gives warning of the approach of the chill; drinking will hasten it. At 7 to 9 a. m. one day, at noon the next day. Gaping, stretching, backache, aching in the (long) bones. At close of the chill, bitter vomiting, worse from drinking water.

Thirst during the chill and fever.

Fever, hot, with headache and thirst; to drink water makes him shiver.

Headache at top and back of head, with soreness of the eye-balls; periodical, at certain days (third or seventh).

Bilious condition; yellow tongue; bitter taste, soreness in liver; thirst; vomiting of bile; preceded by thirst; green, watery diarrhoea.

Hoarseness, with soreness in the chest; chronic cough, loose, worse at night.

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