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Opium Indicated in a grave class of disease, chiefly of the brain, characterized by profound sopor or coma, with heavy, continuous, stertorous breathing; dark, livid face; hot sweat, especially about the head; hence its use in coma



Indicated in a grave class of disease, chiefly of the brain, characterized by profound sopor or coma, with heavy, continuous, stertorous breathing; dark, livid face; h 646g617g ot sweat, especially about the head; hence its use in coma vigil, apoplectic states, and in exanthema when there is retrocession of the rash followed by brain symptoms. Used also in lead colic and in stubborn constipation due to paralysis of the intestinal muscular fibre.

Drowsy, yet unable to sleep; hearing is so acute that he hears distant noises (crowing of the roosters), which keeps him awake.

Delirium, with constant talking; puffed, red, hot face.

Heavy sopor; lies with eyes open; heavy, continuous snoring during inspiration and expiration.

Stertor, stupor, coma, with livid, hot face, contracted pupil, unequal breathing; lies like a log, complaining of nothing, wanting nothing.

Coma; face deathly pale; eyes glassy, half-closed.

Picking of clothes during sleep.

Besotted expression of the face.

Tongue dry, parched, blackish; tongue paralyzed.

Urine retained; bladder full to bursting; paralysis of bladder.

Intense thirst.

Jerking of muscles; twitching of limbs; convulsions.

Entire absence of desire for stool; when at stool, faeces protrude, then recede.

Stubborn constipation; stools of hard, black balls.

Worse during and after sleep; from warmth from sweating.

Better from cold; from constant walking.

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