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Rhus Toxicodendron - Poison Ivy


Rhus Toxicodendron - Poison Ivy.

Indicated in complaints from getting wet from lying on the damp ground, from straining a single part, as in overlifting; in fevers, including those of adynamic type; erysipeals 919u2010j in any part, especially in the face; muscular rheumatism, including the heart; neuralgia, neuritis; sciatica;

neuralgic and rheumatic pains; peritonitis, typhlitis, enteritis;

exanthemata with erysipelatous and typhoid tendency; prupura


Lameness, stiffness, soreness when first moving about (as in the morning, when first getting up from sleep or rest), better from motion until compelled to rest from weariness.

Restlessness at night, compelling frequent change in position.

Sensorium cloudy, muddled.

Acrid state of the secretions.

Constant desire to yawn, which becomes painful.

Prominences of bones are tender to touch.

Tearing, jerking pains in the spinal nerves, in single muscles, with bruised pain in the small of the back; lameness, stiffness, soreness in the sacral region.

Tongue red and dry at the edges; dry, brown, cracked, sore, with red triangular space at the tip of the tongue.

Tearing pain in the limbs, tendons, fasciae; great muscular soreness and lameness.

Cough, with feeling as though cold air were passing through the trachea; short, painful; with expectoration of small blackish lumps in the morning.

Dry, teasing cough from midnight till morning; before or during chill.

Pain in the groin; deep-seated, bearing-down, like labor-pains.

Menstrual flow copious, dark, acrid.

During fevers, relief from nasal or uterine bleeding.

Diarrhoea; slimy, bloody, or frothy and painless; involuntary; of cadaverous odor.

Urine dark, turbid, with white sediment.

Skin swollen, inflamed, involving the deeper layers; with intense itching; tendency to suppuration.

Worse in cold, wet, rain; at night; during rest.

Better from warm, dry weather; while in motion; from change of position; from warm applications; from lying upon something hard.

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