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Rumex Crispus - Yellow Dock


Rumex Crispus - Yellow Dock.

Indicated in coughs provoked by tickling in the pit of the throat or by touching it; aggravated by inhaling cold air 23223w2217x ; soothed by breathing in warm air by warmth in any form. Larynx and trachea are very sensitive. In the early stage of whooping cough; night cough of phthisis. Used also in gastric disorders, especially from excessive tea drinking, and is gastralgia.

Cough dry, teasing, incessant, with great sensitiveness of larynx and trachea; provoked by tickling in the throat; worse from using the voice, from inhaling cold air; at night; stops when the face is covered with the bedclothes.

Tickling cough behind the sternum.

Watery, brown diarrhoea, early in the morning, driving the patient out of bed, with tickling in the throat, provoking dry cough.

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