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Veratrum Viride - American Hellebore


Veratrum Viride - American Hellebore.

Indicated in violent congestion with venous delirium, intense headache, full and hard pulse, high temperature and livid face; in pelvic and other forms of congestion, with the same high arterial pressure and temperature; in inflammation involving the brain and other organs (oesophagus, peritonium, heart, respiratory organs), with the same type of accompanying symptoms. It is well adapted to plethoric persons.

Great arterial excitement, with very high temperature.

Violent cerebral congestion with threatening convulsions.

Pulse full, slow, hard as iron; or rapid, feeble, thready.

Face bloated, livid.

Jerking and twitching (head), as though on the verge of convulsions.

Tickling, spasmodic cough; convulsive, suffocating difficulty of breathing.

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