Graduate of the Plastic Arts Institute of Bucharest, Olimpiu Bandalac is part of the "1980's generation" of Romanian animation. He makes his debut with the cartoon joint film Caligrafie / Penmanship, in 1982; for his following films he chooses other techniques. Thus, he animates cut up cardboards in Statuia / The statue and puppets in Navigatorul / The navigator. As a praised book illustrator, he oftenly exibits his work in the art of collage; this technique's cinema equivalent is found in Pompele / The pumps. He contributed to the making of several children's serial films such as Tainele desenului / The secrets of drawing.
1982 - Caligrafie (co-regie alaturi de Nagy Lajos, Zeno Bogdanescu, Olimpiu Bandalac, Radu Igazsag) / Penmanship (codirected with Nagy Lajos, Zeno Bogdanescu, Olimpiu Bandalac, Radu Igazsag)
1983 - Statuia / The statue
1984 - Pompele / The pumps
1985 - Podul / The bridge
1986 - Linia / The line
- Suprafata (ep. din seria Tainele desenului) / The surface ("The secrets of drawing" series)
1987 - Culorile complementare (ep. din seria Tainele desenului) / Complementary colors ("The secrets of drawing" series)
- Compozitia (ep.din seria Tainele desenului) / Composition ("The secrets of drawing" series)
1988 - Desenul liniar (ep. din seria Tainele desenului) / Line drawing ("The secrets of drawing" series)
1989 - În sfârsit portretul (ep. din seria Tainele desenului) / Finally, the portrait ("The secrets of drawing" series)
1990 - Navigatorul / The navigator