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Deep Dish


Flash back to the sound of 1995. Up-and-coming DJs and production duo Deep Dish were fresh names on the lips and in the ears of club-goers, and their then-fledgling label Deep Dish Recordings was equally virgin and burgeoning. From 24324l1123y this scene, dancefloors across the world filled with the mingling of Trance and House that would eventually lead to the formation of Progressive (amongst other things), came Deep Dish's first DDR mix, Penetrate Deeper. Comprised of, amongst other moments of sheer mid-90's perfection, the original DDR releases, Penetrate Deeper now sees a re-release on Deep Dish's Yoshitoshi label just in time to show this year's Acid Renaissance how it should be done.

Penetrate Deeper is a stomping mix of Acidy, Dubby, Techy House that works both the club system and your car stereo. With classic tracks from mister BT before his name became an abbreviation (various mixes of "Relativity" and "Moment of Truth" are credited to one Brian Transeau), the influence the early productions of Sharam and Dubfire had on BT and the sound of his '96 debut LP IMA are obvious.

Even now, 8 years later, Penetrate Deeper is still a beautiful album, possibly even moreso than Deep Dish's artist album Junk Science. Those looping Acid House piano samples, the stuttered, dubbed-out and blissed diva vocals, and the pure, unbridled Tech-funk from start to finish makes Penetrate Deepera mix album that must be experienced from start to finish. Of particular note are the two phenomenal mixes, one by each member of Deep Dish, of Prana's "The Dream". If that track doesn't stop your breath for a brief second...well, when the Acid sound makes its full comeback later this year (predicted by forthcoming releases and remixes from, amongst others, Luke Vibert and The Beat Club), you may want to keep away from clubs, stay at home and watch some network television sitcoms. Even in 1995, Deep Dish were predicting the future. It IS our savior, after all...

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