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Welcome to the Loops CrossFader Loop Dj


Welcome to the Loopmasters

CrossFader Loop Dj

This Combinator patch has been designed with two Dr rex players

And will automatically cross fade between them creating the DJ "mix and blend" effect to create some new and original breaks.

Plus it allows the user to a 656u2012g pply other effects such as filter, delay, reverb, distortion

Guide to using CrossFader

To create the simulation of mixing between two Rex files the crossfader combinator patch has been wired with a 3 Matrix sequencer's.

The fist one labelled Crossfader,

Uses the curve setting to change the master levels of both Dr rex Players

If the levels within the Matrix are set at top it will only play Dr rex 1

If the levels within the Matrix are set at bottom it will only play Dr rex 2

So by adjusting levels from "high to low" throughout the sequence you will alternate

Between which break you can hear.

The second Matrix labelled Rex Trigger uses the velocity (note on) part of the sequencer

To trigger both Rex loops at the same time insuring they play "in sync"

Whenever the velocity level is raised it will trigger the Rex files from the beginning

You can create some cool effects like rolls or drum n bass/broken beat styles of loop

By simply retriggering the loops more than once within the sequencer

The last Matrix labelled Emergency stop is controlled via Button 1 on combi patch

And will cut the level of both rex players to zero for immediate stops, because once triggered Rex files will play there entirety.

ROTORY 1 = DON'T TOUCH used for fader control but won't work from front

because of routing on back of reason rack

ROTORY 2 = FILTER this will apply a LOW PASS filter on both Rex players

ROTORY 3 = FADER PTN this will switch between the pre programmed patterns

On the Matrix labelled Crossfader

ROTORY 4 = DELAY RTN this will add reverb to mix via Aux sends on Mixer

BUTTON 1 = MX OFF will cut all sound by dropping master level on Mixer

BUTTON 2 = DISTORTION this button will add Scream effect via Aux send on Mixer

BUTTON 3 = REVERB this button will add Reverb effect via Aux send on Mixer

BUTTON 4 = PHASER this button will add Phaser effect via Aux send on Mixer

Try mixing up Rex Files from your Personal library/Reason sound banks.

Have fun and remember to checkout our website for Quality Pro samples Patches and more online at

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Apreciat: hand-up

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