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F. Batmanghelidj, M.D


F. Batmanghelidj, M.D
Author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"

Dr. Batmanghelidj (Batman-ge-lij) was born in 1931 in Tehran, Iran. In 1946, only months after the Second World War, he was sent to an exclusive secondary school in Edinburgh, Scotland. Despite very hard competition from the returning servicemen, he entered St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University as a second year student in 1951. Upon completion of his studies, he was given the privilege of being selected as a house doctor in his own medical school.

Before the revolution of 1979, he was engaged in the completion of a family charity medical center in Iran. At that time, the revolutionary government of Iran decided to imprison the doctor and confiscate all his personal and family assets. To do so, they leveled all types of accusations against him, and prepared to execute him. However, once the guards realized he was useful as a doctor among the prisoners, they delayed his execution.

One late night he treated a prisoner with peptic ulcer disease with only water. Within eight minutes, the pain disappeared, and, as a result, a new era in the advancement of medical science was born.

For the next 25 months, he became completely engrossed in clinical research showing the medicinal values of water in stress reduction, and treatment of stress-related disease conditions in the prison. When his trial came, he faced 32 fictitious indictments carrying the death penalty. As his final defense, he presented the judge with an article on the water treatment. His life was spared so that he could continue his research.

That same article was published in the Iranian Medical Council Journal in 1982, and sent to London, where it was translated, and then sent to the United States where it was printed in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June of 1983. Dr. Batmanhelidj's results have subsequently been published and presented throughout the world.

He was released from prison in June of 1982, and escaped from Iran. He came to the United States, and from here he has conducted further research and introduced his discovery to scientists and researchers throughout the world.

Write Dr. F. Batmanghelidj at [email protected] or visit his web site.

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