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Mihai Badica is the first in Romanian animation to ever approach the technique of plasticine animation, which became, a decade later, very popular, under the name of claymation.

He astonished everyone with the fluidity of the metamorphosis given by the new material, and also with his boldness to create, with such methods, philosophical parables in the film Geneza / Genesis, in 1975. He resorts to the same formula in Icarus and Galileo Galilei, and he goes on to demonstrate the expressive potential of other materials, such as glass in the satirical series Niste sticle / A few bottles, or wire, in the poetic Joc de doi / Game of two, in which he shapes gratious silhouettes for his characters out of wire. In 1986 Mihai Badica starts working in Denmark, where he continues his innovating activity.


1972 - Munca, nu gluma / Serious work

1973 - Parinti si copii / Parents and children

- Icar / Icarus

1975 - Geneza / Genesis

1978 - Alter ego

- serbetul / Fruit syrup

1979 - Norii / The clouds

1980 - Metafora / Metaphor

- Vasul cu flori / The flower pot

1982 - Joc de doi / Game of two

1981 - Niste sticle / A few bottles

- Alte sticle / Other bottles

1982 - Tot sticle / Bottles again

- Joc de doi / Game of two

1983 - Construieste-ti o casa / Build yourself a home

1984 - Galileo Galilei

- Laudarosul / The bragger

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