Course Description and Examination Requirements
This is a course in academic reading and writing intended for second year students in Psychology (first semester). It builds on previously acquired knowledge regarding academic reading skills (including special and academic terminology/ vocabulary development) as well as on essential academic writing skills (note-taking, summary) - as presented in the first year course packages. Attention will be given to practicing academic reading strategies. Special emphasis is put on academic writing (planning and organization). The course is intended to train the students in the techniques needed to succeed in studying their specific bibliography; it is also vital for a successful performance in the CLC (Certificate of Linguistic Competence) exam.
Study requirements
The course will be mostly based on individual study. Therefore, students are required to process the course units and solve all tasks included, which is a condition for being allowed to attend the in-class meetings and stand for the exam.
Your final grade for this course will be based both on your individual work and class participation. Therefore, each portion of your grade will be weighed as follows:
- original composition (essay) grade 1: 1-10
- in-class written exam grade 2: 1-10
Total: grade 1+grade 2/ 2
Your grades range from 1 to 10. If you do not get a 5 in the written exam, you are to take an oral exam. However, if you are absent from both in-class meetings, your course is considered not to be completed, therefore you will have to repeat the course for credit.
Individual project
It is due on the date of the examination. It will consist of a written composition required during the present course. It must be typed (double spaced), and submitted in pocket folder.
Geoffrey Leech - A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman,
Raymond Murphy - English Grammar in Use,
Linda Davidoff - Introduction
to Psychology,
Peter Scott, Christopher Spencer - Psychology. A Contemporary Introduction
Blackwell Publishers,
Joseph Horvat, Stephen Davis - Doing Psychological Research, Prentice Hall,
On-line resources: