Curs 1
The concept of communication
It was defined in various ways - as the importing or interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by speech, writing etc.
- shared meaning, created among 2 or more people, through verbal or non-verbal transaction (Tom Jamerson)
The notion of ESP
Understanding the process of communication as an important step in obtaining social and professional success. In our days, when we have to do with an explosion in the field of information, under the conditions of the rapid growth of the economic interdependence of the countries of the globe, of the unprecedented expension in scientific, technical activity, on an international scale, the need to develop communicative competence in a specific field is a "must".
At present, the economical and commercial language is one of the most dynamic among similar special ones and has led to the phenomenon of linguistic interference the English language penetrating other national languages due to economic, technical, scientific, cultural factors. At the same time, the demand for English courses tailored to specific need has growth because specialist in various fields use their own linguistic systems, corresponding to the profile of their profession. Thus, ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners. It uses the methodology of the disciple it serves which may be different from that a general English, ESP is a way of teaching, learning English for specialized subjects. There are different needs for different purposes of the English language as English for Economics, English for Business, English for Teaching idioms etc.
A basic knowledge of General English
Language Competence is required and must be developed. The starting point of
Economical and Commercial language in
In his work "The laws and the Republic", Plato suggested an utopian organization of the society, using systematically a great deal of the economic words existing at the time in the common language, creating new notions and denominations.
Aristotle, by the very name of his work "Economica" will give the name of Economics. This work collects almost all the economic terms of the époque: work, slavery, exchange, merchandise, money, commerce, market etc.
In "Organon", Aristotle defines merchandise and mentions its 2 aspects: use-value and exchange-value. The Middle Ages contributed to the enrichments of the practical economic language but in the fields of economics it marked a decline. When capitalism appeared, it produced a series of radical changes in the domains of economic and commercial concepts.
A new economic doctrine - mercantilism set the pase in the economical area.
Mercantilism is a name first given by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in "The Wealth of Notions" (1776) to the economical system current in much of Europe from the 16-th to 18-th centuries, following the gradual end of the feudal system. The mercantilists favoured the mercantile classes (trading class) and gave highest importance to international trade rather than to agriculture. Money also was wealth and gold and silver were essential forms of wealth. A surplus balance of trade was necessary to increase the countries stock of gold. Exports of manufactured wools were encouraged but ranges had to be kept low. Imports were kept low by protective and other import duties. All this required much public control over prices, wages, exports-imports. Merchants were strongly attracted by classical economists it began in 1776 with the publication of Adam Smith's work, an enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of notions and David Recardo "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" (1819).
The mercantilists created a new terminology, launching the serves of new concepts and terms as profit, national wealth, commercial balance, monetary mass, the purchasing power of money, the interest rate etc.
The develop of capitalism pushed forward economics, which became an autonomous branch of human knowledge. The famous economist Adam Smith was the promoter of the new science. He introduced a series of new concepts and terms within a coherent theoretical system (labour, division, wares=marfuri, use-value, wage, capital accumulation) he is the creator of the syntagm homo economics. His book "The Wealth of Nations" was translated into numerous languages.
Economics and the respective terminology were further developed by David Ricardo in his main work "Principles of Political-Economical and Taxation". He introduces new terms as relative value, price, banknote, fluctuation of salaries etc. In the second half of the 19-th century, economics and the respective terminology, were completely nature. A vast number of notions and terms were created, concrete, abstract words, the functions of money, value, the profit rate.
Later, in the 20-th century, there appeared a lot of new terms: cartel, crash (the sudden and severe financial failure of a business or a fall of prices on the stock and commodity (marfa) exchanges: a bank crash, a crash in coffee prices (crash=criza); trust etc. which entered the international vocabulary.
John Keyns (1883-1946) - "Economic consequences of Place"(1919), "General Theory of Employment Interest in Money" (1936), he introduced as: economic expansion liquidity preference.
During the Second World War, the economic terminology was further enriched with new terms as: in point, outpoint, operational research, whose main source was the work of the American economist Leontief.
After the war a new terminology connected with the activities of planning and programming on the basis of the classical language, terms as micro and macro economics were developed.
It is obvious that being given the
economic domination of the
We are obliged to mention the fact that the English economic and commercial terms are currently used in international transaction. This thing is also evident in the Romanian language where such terms are no longer translated. We speak, for instance, of an "accord stand by", plata in cash, operatiune de leasing, marketing, management, dumping.
Stand-by arrangements are arrangements that members of the international monetary fund for which purpose reserves are kept ready for use when necessary, esp. in an emergency (stare de necesitate) such as when a country has temporary difficulty with its balance of payments.
Who do you work for?
I'm with the Tofan Group.
I work for Tofan Group.
We make/ manufacture/ sell/ deal in rubber-tires. (anvelope)
My company is based in
Our head-office is in
I've been with/ worked for the company for 3 years.
We have branch offices in the main towns of the country and abroad.
Our turnover is 2 m a year. (cifra de afaceri)
We've got a work force of 10000.
Turnover=the total value of business done during the given period, usually the total anual sales.
- to be in nd = in datori
- to be in the back = venituri.
Curs 2
Business letters (BL)
It is well known the fact that any letter represents the person who send it. The sit is of great importance when speaking of business can where the written message is considered to be representative for the business company who send it. Therefore the quality of BL has become almost a science in spite of the fact that due to the development of communication technique new rapid ways of transmitting messages have appeared: fax etc. In spite of new development in communication BL continue to keep their place and function in the business system. Messages send by telegraph, telephone have to be confirmed in writing.