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6 pounds Sirloin Tip Roast (2.27 kg)
10 large crusty rolls

½ cup Olive Oil (125ml)
1 cup Dark Ale (250ml)
2 Sprigs fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon fresh black pepper (15ml)
3 cloves garlic cr 919c28j ushed
Salt to taste
3 cups Beef Stock (750ml)
1 large onion quartered
3 sprigs oregano

In a bowl combine olive oil, dark ale, 2 bruised rosemary sprigs, crushed garlic & cracked black pepper.

Place Sirloin Tip Roast in a large plastic sealable bag. Pour marinade over roast and seal baggie, ensuring the meat is well coated. Place the roast in the refrigerator and let marinate for 4 hours.

Preheat barbecue to 325°F/160°C or medium low heat, leaving the center grill off.

Remove roast from marinade and mount on a barbecue rotisserie (Follow manufactures instructions). Season the roast liberally with salt. Place a drip pan underneath the grates positioned over no heat. Add beef stock, onion, 2 sprigs of rosemary and the oregano to the drip pan.

Mount the rotisserie on the barbecue and cook for approximately 3-4 hours (for medium rare) or desired doneness.

Remove the roast from spit cover with aluminum foil and let the meat rest for 15-20 minutes before carving.

Remove drip pan with the remaining juices carefully from the grill. Strain the juices threw a fine meshed sieve.

Slice roast thinly and serve on long crusty rolls with Beef Dip jus.

Yield: 10 servings

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Accesari: 1000
Apreciat: hand-up

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