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Caribbean Style Chicken with a Peanut Brown Sugar Spiced Rub


Caribbean Style Chicken with a Peanut Brown Sugar Spiced Rub

Spice Rub:
½ cup finely ground roasted peanuts(125ml)
¼ cup packed light brown sugar(60ml)
1 tablespoon kosher salt(15ml)
2 ¼ teaspoons cayenne(10.1ml)
1 teaspoon ground bay leaf crumbled
½ teaspoon plus a pinch ground cloves(2.5ml)
½ teaspoon plus a pinch ground nutmeg(2.5ml)
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon(2.5ml)
1 teaspoon dried chilies(5ml)
salt and pepper to taste

10 chicken thighs, skins on bone in

1 12 ounce bottle dark beer

To make the spice rub, combine the peanuts, brown sugar, salt, cayenne, ground bay leaf, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and chilies in a bowl. With a small, sharp knife, score each thigh twice on each side, ½-inch deep. Place the chicken in a large bowl. Add the spice rub and toss to coat evenly.

Prepare the barbecue for indirect grilling. Preheat the barbecue to 250ºF/ºC. Place a drip pan over heat source and pour in the beer. Place the chicken thighs on the side of the BBQ without direct heat. Grill the chicken thighs over indirect heat for 40 to 50 minutes or until juices run clear and skin is crispy.

Remove from the grill, plate and serve.

Yields 5 servings. Of 2 thighs each

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Apreciat: hand-up

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