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Curried Roast Potatoes


Curried Roast Potatoes

1 large Vidalia onion cut into large wedges
3 cups of chicken broth (750ml)
3 teaspoons freshly grated ginger (15ml)
2 teaspoons of ground coriander (10ml)
2 teaspoons of ground cumin (10ml)
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (2ml)
3 teaspoons of Madras Curry powder (15ml)
1 teaspoon of Tumeric (5ml)
1 ½ teaspoons of crushed garlic (7ml)
Salt and pepper to taste
6 potatoes unpeeled, washed and quartered
2 limes quartered
1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (30ml)

Preheat the grill to 375°F/190°C or medium high heat

Place the onions in a large cast iron skillet. Cook without oil over moderate heat without stirring for 8 minutes or until the onions begin to brown. Add spices, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper and cook until fragrant.

Add 1-½ cups (450ml) of chicken stock and stir, picking up the onion bits from the bottom of the pan. Simmer over low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes until the mixture gets thick. Add potatoes to the mixture and toss to coat.

Add remaining stock. Place skillet uncovered on the grill and close the lid.
Cook for 30 minutes adding water/stock as necessary or until potatoes are tender.

For the finished dish, the potatoes should be slightly dry and the sauce thick.

Serve the potatoes hot with wedges of lime.

Yield: 6 servings

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Accesari: 988
Apreciat: hand-up

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