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4 sweet peppers (Bell & Romano if available) in mixed colours
1 tablespoon plus 4 tablespoons of quality olive oil (15ml plus 60ml)
2 tablespoons of chopped fresh oregano (30ml)
6 oz of crumbled feta c 10510v212k heese
1 cup of black olives, seeded and quartered (250ml)
Salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the barbecue.

Split the peppers lengthwise and remove the seeds and membrane. Rub 1 tablespoon of olive oil all over the pepper strips. Place them on a tray with the hollow portion facing upward.

Lightly season the peppers being careful not to over season as the cheese is also salty.

In a separate bowl, combine oregano, and remainder of the olive oil. Drizzle some of the dressing over the peppers.

Once the flames on the grill have died down, rake the coals to one side. Lightly oil the grill rack over the coals. When the coals are medium hot and have a light coating of ash, place the peppers hollow side down on the side of the grill without the coals.

Close the lid and let the peppers cook for approximately 5 minutes.

Flip the peppers and divide the feta cheese and olives between the strips evenly. Drizzle with more of the dressing and allow to cook for another 5 minutes or until the pepper is lightly charred.

Yield: 8 servings

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Apreciat: hand-up

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