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Grilled Brie with Port Soaked Cranberries


Grilled Brie with Port Soaked Cranberries

¼ cup sun dried cranberries chopped roughly (60ml)
¼ cup ruby red port (60ml)
4 x 3.5 oz rounds of Brie cheese (4x100g)
¼ cup melted butter (60ml)
½ cup toasted pecans chopped roughly (125ml)
½ package phylio pastry defrosted
parchment paper
Damp kitchen towel

Cut a 1 inch (2.5cm) circle off the top off of the Brie round leaving a border. Scoop out the soft cheese inside. Be careful not to puncture the base or sides.

Presoak cranberries in some port and then place into the middle of the Brie round. Replace scooped cheese and top with some toasted nuts.

Lay one sheet of the phylio pastry down. Cover the unused phylio with the damp kitchen towel. Note: phylio pastry dries out quickly so always keep the phylio you are not working with covered and always be sure to work quickly with it.

Using a pastry brush, brush the sheet of pastry with melted butter. Evenly to coat the entire surface. Repeat with another piece of phylio until you have 3 layers of buttered dough. Cut the pastry lengthwise in half. Place a Brie round in the center of the dough and fold over all the pastry on to the cheese. You should have a package that still has its original round shape but evenly coated with pastry. Brush the top with butter and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Repeat the process until all 4 rounds of cheese are wrapped.

Place the cheese rounds into the refrigerator to set up for approximately 20 minutes.
Preheat bbq to 350ºF/176ºC leaving half of the grill off to prepare for indirect cooking.
Once bbq is preheated place the tray of Brie rounds on the side that is off. Close the lid and allow the pastry to cook until golden brown and crispy. This should take approximately 30 minutes. Remove from heat and serve while still hot with toasted nut bread.

Makes 4 rounds of cheese

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