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Grilled Rice Cakes


Grilled Rice Cakes

3 cups Sushi rice - cooked - following package instructions
¼ cup chopped fresh basil (60ml)
3 tablespoons lightly toasted pine nuts (45ml)
¼ cup rice wine vinegar (60ml)
2 tablespoons peanut oil for brushing (30ml)
1 tablespoon sugar (15ml)
1 teaspoons salt (5ml)

Placed cooked warm rice in a bowl. In a small bowl mix together rice wine vinegar and sugar and salt. Stir to dissolve. Pour the mixture over the rice and gently toss. Add the basil and pine nuts and mix until evenly distributed.

Using a 3 inch ring mold. Mold rice in the ring cylinder until it is about ¾ inch in height. Gently pack in until a nice firm disk is achieved. Tip: To stop rice from sticking to your hands; dip your hands in cold water before handling the rice. Place the cake on a well oiled baking sheet and brush the cakes evenly with the peanut oil.

Preheat the barbecue to medium heat. Oil the grill and place rice cakes on direct heat. Grill for approximately 3 minutes per side or until nice golden crispy char marks are achieved. Remove from heat. Plate and serve.

Makes 8 cakes

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Accesari: 752
Apreciat: hand-up

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