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Hamburgers with Homemade Ketchup


Hamburgers with Homemade Ketchup

2 .5 lbs medium ground chuck (1.2 kg)
¼ cup herbed butter (60ml) see note
1/4 cup soft blue cheese (60ml)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon olive oil (15ml)
6 large sesame or onion buns

In a bowl combine the ground beef with salt and pepper. Form into 6 patties and place them onto a baking sheet. Add a dollop of chilled herbed butter into the middle half of the patties. Enclose it completely by overlapping and manipulating the ground beef. To the remaining 3 add some blue cheese repeat with the same technique. Place the raw burgers into the refrigerator before grilling so they will firm up.

Prepare the barbecue for high heat direct grilling. You need to start with the hottest grill possible in order to cook hamburgers with out the filling oozing out.

Season the hamburgers with salt and pepper and drizzle evenly with oil. Oil the grill. Place the burgers on the grill and listen to the sizzle sound. Turn the heat down to medium high. Don't flip the hamburgers too soon, make sure that they can be easily lifted off the grill using a hamburger flipper.

Allow to cook for approximately 6 minutes or until dark golden char marks are achieved. Don't press down with a spatula, you will only squeeze out the juice and flavor. Flip and continue to cook a further 6 -7 minutes. Remove from grill and tent under foil for 5 minutes before serving.

Makes 6 burgers

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Accesari: 1094
Apreciat: hand-up

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