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Pork Burgers
2 pounds ground pork (1kg)
2 large French shallots chopped, fine dice
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon salt (5ml)
1 teaspoon ground black pepper (5ml)

3 tablespoons pu 22122c217w re maple syrup (45ml)
2 tablespoons spicy grainy mustard (30ml)
1 tablespoon of cider vinegar (15ml)
1 teaspoon of liquid honey (5ml)
½ teaspoon of dry mustard (2.5ml)
1 teaspoon orange zest chopped fine (5ml)
6 large onion buns, sliced.

In a medium bowl combine the ground pork, chopped shallots, minced garlic, salt and pepper. Mix until well combined. Form the mixture into 6 patties of equal size about 1 inch thick (6mm). Place patties on to a tray and cover with plastic wrap place in the refrigerator until ready to grill.

In a separate medium sized bowl combine the glaze ingredients. Whisk until all ingredients are well combined.

Preheat barbeque grill to 375°F/190°C or medium high heat. Oil the preheated grill. Brush the burgers with prepared glaze.

Place pork patties directly over fire. Grill with out turning for 7-8 minutes basting every 2 minutes or until dark golden brown and slightly crisp on exterior. Flip the burgers and continue to cook for a further 7 minutes basting every 2 minutes. Remove burgers place on tray.

Place sliced buns on the bun rack of barbeque to warn and slightly crisp (about 1 minute)

Serve burgers with warm onion buns and desired toppings.

Yield: 6 burgers

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Apreciat: hand-up

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