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Mucenici dobrogeni


Mucenici dobrogeni


250 gr flour

100-120 ml hot water





In the morning of 8 march they make the dough from wich they m 20520l1112u odel the mucenici. They make small cercles from coca, then they make eights. They let the mucenici over night to dry, on the table who was filed with flour, over the mucenici they put flour.

In the morning of 9 march, mucenici pass trough sieve, to fall off the flour, then they are put to boil in water with salt, sugar, lemon. Taste it to decide how much sugar needs to be put.

It must be sweet. They put to boil aprox 2 l of water with a small apex of salt. It is important that we put to boil the water, with salt. After the water begins to boil, they add the mucenicii. Eventually they take the cream made by the flour from the mucenici. After we take the ice-cream, we pull the crusty from a lemon and after the mucenicii begins to boil we add sugar. Mucenicii are boiled when they raise up to the surface.


They serve knob and cinnamon (canella) and a glace with red wine. After they boil the knob and cinnamon, the cream has a bad aspect.

I recommend that the knob and cinnamon to be add in the dish, before the eating


Not mentioned

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