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4 garlic cloves, crushed
2 teaspoons of fennel seeds (10ml)
2 teaspoons of kosher salt (10ml)
2 teaspoons of whole peppercorns (10ml)
1 teaspoon of crushed dried red chilies (5ml) 252f520c
4 shallots, minced
1 small fennel bulb, cut into matchsticks
1 red pepper, finely diced
2 cups of Fresh spinach (
3 tablespoons of blue cheese (45ml)
Olive oil

At least 6 hours before cooking, prepare the rub for the tenderloin. Add all of the ingredients except the garlic, to a small grinder and blitz until well ground. Add the garlic.

Rub this mixture vigorously in to the meat. Cover and let rest for 6 -12 hours.

Place the oil in a skillet and heat. Add shallots, fennel and red pepper and sauté for 5 minutes until slightly tender. Add the spinach and toss to wilt. Place in a bowl and into the fridge to cool. Once cool add blue cheese and mix to make a stuffing.

Preheat the grill to high

Using a knife, make a pocket in the center of the tenderloin. Slide knife in one side, twist and then do the same on the other side to create a hole all the way through the center. Stuff the tenderloin.

Oil the grill and place the stuffed tenderloin on the high heat to sear for 5 minutes or until a nice crust has developed on the outside of the meat. Reduce the heat to medium high and continue to cook for 15 minutes until desired doneness.

Yield: Serves 4

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Accesari: 850
Apreciat: hand-up

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