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1 centre cut salmon side skin on
1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper (15ml)
Juice of 1 lemon
Juice of 2 limes
2 tablespoons fresh thyme, chopped (30ml)
2 tablespoons oregano, chopped (30ml) 414c22e
2 tablespoons olive oil (15ml)
Salt and pepper to taste

Aluminum foil
1 teaspoon vegetable oil for brushing foil (5ml)

Place the salmon in a non-reactive dish. Squeeze lemon and lime juice equally over fish. Sprinkle with chopped thyme, oregano and drizzle with oil.

Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Preheat grill to 325°F/162°C

Prepare grill for indirect cooking by keeping one side of the bbq off and the other sides set at medium low temperature.

Remove salmon from refrigerator and season with salt and pepper.

Place the salmon on a sheet of aluminum foil that has been brushed with vegetable oil.

Place the salmon over indirect heat cook for 20-25 minutes or until desired doneness.

Remove from grill place on platter and serve with strawberry salsa.

Yield: 6 servings

Strawberry Salsa
1 cup chopped strawberries (250ml
1 tablespoon chopped mint (15ml)
1 teaspoon lime juice (5ml)
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar (5ml)
1 teaspoon sugar (5ml)
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper (5ml)

Clean and hull the core from strawberries, chop into ¼ inch dice and place in a medium bowl.

In a separate small bowl whisk together lime juice, balsamic vinegar, sugar and black pepper until well combined. Pour over strawberries, sprinkle with freshly chopped mint and gently mix.

Yield: 1 cup

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Accesari: 912
Apreciat: hand-up

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