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3 cups of hickory wood chips (750ml)
1 dozen quality all-beef hot dogs

Preheat grill to high heat on one side and off on the other-indirect heat cooking method.

Place a third of the 16116x2313q wood chips in water to soak for 30 minutes.

Prepare a smoke package. Squeeze the excess water from the wood chips and place in the centre of a large piece of foil. Add the remaining dry wood chips and mix lightly. Fold the foil around the wood chips to create a smoke package. Using a fork, poke holes on both sides of the package to release the smoke.

Place the smoke package directly on top of heat source, close the lid and wait for smoke. When smoke begins to billow out of the barbecue, reduce the heat under the smoke package to get to 200-220 ºF (100-110ºC).

Place the hotdogs over the cold side of the grill and let them smoke and cook through for 1 hour.

Yield: Serves 6

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Accesari: 828
Apreciat: hand-up

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