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Smoked Salmon Frittata


Smoked Salmon Frittata

2 teaspoons butter (10ml)
1 medium red onion, diced
1 red pepper, diced
1 yellow pepper, diced
12 large eggs
¾ cup whole milk (187ml)
½ cup chopped fresh chives (125m 555x2315f l)
½ cup chopped fresh basil (125ml)
¾ teaspoon black pepper (4ml)
1 teaspoon salt (5ml)
5 oz thinly sliced smoked salmon, chopped
¾ cup feta cheese (187ml)

Preheat the grill to 400ºF (205ºC).

Place butter in a 12" seasoned cast iron pan and place pan on the grill. Once butter is melted add onions and peppers and sauté over medium high heat for 3 minutes until soft and translucent.

In a bowl whisk the eggs, milk, basil, chives. Pour the egg mixture into the pan with onion and peppers and cook, swirling now and then until the egg has set and is brown around the edges and bubbling. Add the smoked salmon and feta to the egg mixture. Close the lid and cook for 12 - 15 minutes.

Remove the skillet from the grill and leave to cool for 5 minutes. Loosen edge with spatula and slide onto a large plate. Cut into wedges and serve warm or at room temperature.

Yield: 6 servings

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Apreciat: hand-up

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