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Sweet Potatoes With Orange Pecan Butter


Sweet Potatoes With Orange Pecan Butter

6 small sweet potatoes
¼ cup vegetable oil (60ml)

Orange Pecan Butter
½ unsalted softened butter (125ml)
2 teaspoon liquid honey (10ml) 21421s1824v
Juice and zest of 2 oranges
¼ cup chopped roasted pecans (60ml)
½ teaspoon of dry mustard (2.5ml)
½ teaspoon dried chilli (2.5ml)
Salt and pepper to taste

To prepare Orange Pecan Butter, add all ingredients to a small saucepan.
Cook over low heat for 1 minute or until all flavours are infused and butter is melted.

Preheat barbeque to 220°F/104°C or medium heat.

Scrub sweet potatoes and prick all over with a fork. Rub with oil and season with salt and pepper. Wrap with aluminium foil and place potatoes on tray.

Place potatoes on grill and allow to cook for 2 hours or until potatoes are fork tender.

Slice potatoes lengthways and drizzle with Orange Pecan Butter

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Accesari: 843
Apreciat: hand-up

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