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8 tomatillos, husks discarded
2 fresh jalapeno chilies with seeds, chopped
1 cup of fresh coriander leaves, washed well and spun dry (250ml)
¼ cup water (60ml)
1 medium sweet red pepper, diced fine
2 shallots diced fine
1 teaspoon coarse salt (5ml)

Discard the papery husk off the Tomatillo. Rinse under warm water to remove sticky film.

Quarter the tomatillos place in blender add the jalapeno, coriander and water.
Puree until very smooth.

Pour mixture into a bowl and add salt, diced shallot and red pepper.

Cover and let rest in fridge.

Bring salsa to room temperature before serving.

Yield: 1 cup (500ml)

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Accesari: 517
Apreciat: hand-up

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