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Watermelon Salad


Watermelon Salad

1 8-pound seedless watermelon, peeled, cut into 1-inch pieces (about 16 cups)
½ cup fresh lemon juice (125 ml)
½ cup fresh lime juice (125 ml)
2/3 cup sugar (150 ml)
½ cup vodka (125 ml)
6 tablespoons Grand Marnier (90 ml)
¼ cup chopped fresh mint (60 ml)

Cut the watermelon out of its rind and cube it into 1-inch pieces. Put all the watermelon into a big bowl.

In a separate bowl, squeeze the lemons and limes. Add sugar and stir until it is dissolved. Add vodka and Grand Marnier.

Pour mixture over the watermelon and add fresh mint, stir gently to combine.

Put the salad in the refrigerator for 1 hour maximum.

Serve and enjoy!

Yield: 8 servings

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Accesari: 913
Apreciat: hand-up

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