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The seventeenth century was not to close, however, without

another discovery in science, which, when applied to the

causation of disease almost two centuries later, revolutio 555h712f nized

therapeutics more completely than any one discovery. This was the

discovery of microbes, by Antonius von Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723),

in 1683. Von Leeuwenhoek discovered that "in the white matter

between his teeth" there were millions of microscopic

"animals"--more, in fact, than "there were human beings in the

united Netherlands," and all "moving in the most delightful

manner." There can be no question that he saw them, for we can

recognize in his descriptions of these various forms of little

"animals" the four principal forms of microbes--the long and

short rods of bacilli and bacteria, the spheres of micrococci,

and the corkscrew spirillum.

The presence of these microbes in his mouth greatly annoyed

Antonius, and he tried various methods of getting rid of them,

such as using vinegar and hot coffee. In doing this he little

suspected that he was anticipating modern antiseptic surgery by a

century and three-quarters, and to be attempting what antiseptic

surgery is now able to accomplish. For the fundamental principle

of antisepsis is the use of medicines for ridding wounds of

similar microscopic organisms. Von Leenwenhoek was only

temporarily successful in his attempts, however, and took

occasion to communicate his discovery to the Royal Society of

England, hoping that they would be "interested in this novelty."

Probably they were, but not sufficiently so for any member to

pursue any protracted investigations or reach any satisfactory

conclusions, and the whole matter was practically forgotten until

the middle of the nineteenth century.

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