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Galileo, that giant in physical science of the early seventeenth

century, died in 1642. On Christmas day of the same year there

was born in England another intellectual giant who was 151t194b destined

to carry forward the work of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo to a

marvellous consummation through the discovery of the great

unifying law in accordance with which the planetary motions are

performed. We refer, of course, to the greatest of English

physical scientists, Isaac Newton, the Shakespeare of the

scientific world. Born thus before the middle of the seventeenth

century, Newton lived beyond the first quarter of the eighteenth

(1727). For the last forty years of that period his was the

dominating scientific personality of the world. With full

propriety that time has been spoken of as the "Age of Newton."

Yet the man who was to achieve such distinction gave no early

premonition of future greatness. He was a sickly child from

birth, and a boy of little seeming promise. He was an indifferent

student, yet, on the other hand, he cared little for the common

amusements of boyhood. He early exhibited, however, a taste for

mechanical contrivances, and spent much time in devising

windmills, water-clocks, sun-dials, and kites. While other boys

were interested only in having kites that would fly, Newton--at

least so the stories of a later time would have us

understand--cared more for the investigation of the seeming

principles involved, or for testing the best methods of attaching

the strings, or the best materials to be used in construction.

Meanwhile the future philosopher was acquiring a taste for

reading and study, delving into old volumes whenever he found an

opportunity. These habits convinced his relatives that it was

useless to attempt to make a farmer of the youth, as had been

their intention. He was therefore sent back to school, and in the

summer of 1661 he matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Even at college Newton seems to have shown no unusual mental

capacity, and in 1664, when examined for a scholarship by Dr.

Barrow, that gentleman is said to have formed a poor opinion of

the applicant. It is said that the knowledge of the estimate

placed upon his abilities by his instructor piqued Newton, and

led him to take up in earnest the mathematical studies in which

he afterwards attained such distinction. The study of Euclid and

Descartes's "Geometry" roused in him a latent interest in

mathematics, and from that time forward his investigations were

carried on with enthusiasm. In 1667 he was elected Fellow of

Trinity College, taking the degree of M.A. the following spring.

It will thus appear that Newton's boyhood and early manhood were

passed during that troublous time in British political annals

which saw the overthrow of Charles I., the autocracy of Cromwell,

and the eventual restoration of the Stuarts. His maturer years

witnessed the overthrow of the last Stuart and the reign of the

Dutchman, William of Orange. In his old age he saw the first of

the Hanoverians mount the throne of England. Within a decade of

his death such scientific path-finders as Cavendish, Black, and

Priestley were born--men who lived on to the close of the

eighteenth century. In a full sense, then, the age of Newton

bridges the gap from that early time of scientific awakening

under Kepler and Galileo to the time which we of the twentieth

century think of as essentially modern.

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