"The November
A Tie for the Nobel Prize
Samuel Ting's cautiousness in announcing his discovery of
the J/Psi particle nearly cost him a share of a Nobel Prize. Ting, heading a
research group at Brookhaven Labs on
However, a team he 252t1915c aded by Burton Richter at
Both scientists eventually shared the Nobel for the discovery-now remembered as "The November Revolution"-a momentous event that finally convinced physicists that quarks did, in fact, exist.
The Future of Particle Physics: Finding the Higgs and a "Theory of Everything"
Most of Particle Physics for Non-Physicists: A Tour of the Microcosmos focuses on what particle physicists have accomplished, and what they believe they know with a high degree of certainty. The last four lectures turn toward unresolved issues, and new theories and experiments still to come. These include:
The latest ultra-high-energy particle
accelerators. The newest in the
Particle physics' role in cosmology, or the study of the universe as a whole. Issues here include the nature of dark matter and dark energy, both of which have been measured but not identified, and inflation theory, an extension of the big bang theory of the origin of the universe.
Efforts to build upon the Standard Model to create an ultimate particle theory, or "theory of everything" (TOE). Perhaps the most exciting development here is string theory, a highly mathematical concept that dispenses with particles in favor of fundamental "strings" of matter.
A year to look forward to is 2007, when the Large Hadron
Collider at the
At that level, physicists are certain they will finally determine whether the Higgs particle-the last predicted but yet-to-be-captured specimen for the particle zoo-exists or not. Either result will have spectacular implications for particle physics, Professor Pollock notes.
This course offers you an unprecedented opportunity to tour the particle subuniverse underlying the universe that is visible to us, and to grasp the latest, cutting-edge developments in this exciting and incredibly important field.