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Torsion fields - the second coming into science


Torsion fields - the second coming into science.

1.1.Torsion fields, what is waiting for us in them?

“The naturalism and materialism of mind took root into a human accepting only the facts existing in the reality. This mind respects solely the phenomenon called “science”. The supporters of this idol are recognized by the preference given to the term “scientific”. Any opinion they do not agree with is rejected as non-scientific. However, they have a lot of explanations for this. The science has made such striking steps that its admirers have what to lose their heads from.

Our science is a drop of water while our ignorance is an ocean. If we have something we can be sure about then this is the fact that the world of our physical knowledge is surrounded by much bigger world we can’t form any definite conception about” (William James, 1895).

The mankind lived all the time without science; nothing threatened it except the wars, epidemics, and some natural factors. But with the appearance and development of science the danger of its self-destruction appeared.

In the era of scientific and technical revolution, when it seems that technology and science are to prevail on the entire life, the science directed its interests mainly at the learning of the external world without learning human aspects within the confines of scientific and technical revolution seeing it only as biological object or an element of sociological research. Thus, it is turning the main value orientation- on a human- upside down.

Thanks to scientific and technical revolution the modern society reached the high technologic level of the main human activity branches resulting in the appearance of new condition of objective reality. The learning of its regularities including human problems is the top-priority aim of the science.

The results of scientific and technical revolution called to serve to the human become aggressive towards its creator. Some scientists think that ecological man-caused disbalance assumed so deep character that at the present development speed and available technology it threatens the very human existence.

The destructive side of scientific and technical revolution causing the present ecological situation on the Earth is the basis for more critical attitude towards the science; however, traditional practical aspirations of the science are intensively encouraged.

But the mankind should die neither in the name of the science nor because of the thoughtless scientific and technical progress, no matter however quick it is.

The search for a way-out from the present critical situation connected with ecological man-caused disbalance led the modern scientists to the possible efficient decisions of this problem. Thanks to the ideas of French mathematician E. Cartane who in 1913 showed the existence of the fields created by the tightness of angular moment of rotation, we now have the possibility to overcome the above-mentioned ecological man-caused disbalance.

So-called torsion fields are meant, they are created by any rotating object which is familiar to the phenomenon when any object having mass creates gravitation field.

It was the first mention about torsion fields that was their first coming into the science.

To be just, the author should mention that some scientists intuitively felt the presence of such fields. The great surgeon and scientist N. I. Pirogov wrote in his book “The questions of life”: “My weak mind producing its analysis of a matter, dividing it on the atoms can’t stop on them and in the end imperceptibly, unwillingly moves from them to something else what has all the negative features of a matter. My intellectual analysis fatally comes to the necessity to accept something permeable OUT of atoms, everywhere penetrating, undivided, amorphous, constantly moving and by these features providing the motion which amasses, unpastes atoms, organizing that or another kind depending on in which and through which form of matter it penetrates.” The characteristics “of something penetrating” are related to a great extent to the characteristics of torsion fields. Mendeleev D. I. - a supporter of the ether - said that he had recognized the matter of ether by the ability to penetrate into all matters, and “by the inability to make any stable chemical compound with ordinary atoms. Therefore, the world ether can be 212c21c presented (like helium or argon) as unable to produce chemical compounds”. He even kept the space in the Table for zero elements, giving it the name “newtonium”. At the same time Mendeleev set a concrete aim - “to enclose the real periodical system by a limit or border of lower size of atoms”.

The science collided with the manifestation of different torsion fields’ features quite often and the existent variety of approaches to the formation of torsion fields theory shows that the theory is very far from the perfection.

The interest to the torsion fields has especially increased for the last time; this can be proved by the numerous publications, conferences and public lectures. At the first decade of July 1998 The First International Congress “Bioenergetic informatics (Mountain Altai)” was hold; the participants heard the reports and information on physics, technology and application of torsion fields.

Torsion technologies - the technologies of XXI century - are based on the application of torsion fields of rotation - a new, although always existing in the nature, but scantily explored type of torsion fields.

Torsion fields carry information about processes taking place in the physical objects. They are not absorped by mediums because they have nonelectromagnetic nature, although they appear, for example, together with electromagnetic radiation. Their energy is approaching to zero while the speed of spreading can vary from 0 to 10 km/s depending on a kind of torsion field source.

Among the programs basing on the torsion fields theory, which can be seen fulfilled in the nearest future, there are: the research programs of the creation technique of ecologically pure, resources preserving technologies, systems and means of non-traditional highly effective energy supply; the programs of the study of torsion fields influence on the properties of materials with the aim of development of production technologies of materials with given properties; the programs of production of torsion equipment for other branches of national economy; the programs of increasing of crop capacity and cattle breeding production; the programs of foodstuff shelf life extension and other technologies, systems and facilities which provide the preserving of biotope and rational use of natural resources.

The reliable results of the experiments and their realization in some branches of technology and production (for example, the experiments which showed a significant influence of torsion fields on the increase of steel, silumin solidity and flexibility) prove the possibility to use torsion fields in different branches of practical activity.[3]

However, one of the main directions of torsion fields research is medico-biologic, as torsion technologies display some degree of aggression towards the human.

The notion “torsion field” has a wide range of application: this is the fields caused by geometrical shape of an object (the field inside of an item, object), as well as radiation of geopathogenic zones, as well as torsion components of electromagnetic radiation from TV-sets, displays, and other equipment.

It is advisable to begin the examination of the problem of negative impact of these fields on the human from the natural torsion fields - geopathogenic zones.

There are a number of publications that connect long stay of a human in a geopathogenic zones with a threat to his health.

“Geopathogenic zones” - is the appellation for local region of the surface where some species of animals as well as humans experience insensible stressful influence which leads to the appearance of different functional disorders, decrease of immunity [17,39,40,55,59,60]. In other words, geopathogenic zones are the regions of the surface where we can observe an abnormal radiation, which causes pathological condition of animate organisms, particularly of a human one.

The Earth is a complex dynamic structure which peculiarities are studied in a fuller measure only now. It is influenced by space forces as well as by factors of terrestrial origin: hydrodynamic phenomena, geological fissures, etc. This complex interaction creates an energy-power frame - the system of lines, strips, zones and nets.

The most stretched in area and most hazardous for the human zones is so-called geobiological net (the net of geopathogenic zones), which covers entirely the Earth. Moreover, the sources of geopathogenic zones are fissures in the earth's crust, karst vacuums and in many cases subterranean waters.

On a fundamental scientific level the nature of geopathogenic zones is connected with a classical spin, i.e. these zones are the variant of torsion fields [2]. At the same time researchers of torsion fields pay attention to the fact that mentioned fields are produced by the angular moment of rotation or by classical spin and not by magnetic moment.

The human is under a negative impact of geopathogenic zones in the result of the fact that he or she has to stay for a long time at a working place or in a dwelling which are situated directly at geopathogenic zones.

As it was said above, the nature of geopathogenic zones is torsion; therefore, it is advisable to examine more minutely what the torsion fields are.

1.2. The main items of torsion fields conception.

A short review of scientific literature which.

V. de Sabbata and K. Vivaran at the journals “Nuevo Chimento”(1989) and “International Journal of Theoretical Physics” (1990) present the observation of powerful spin-torsion interaction during the dispersion of polarized proton beam and about the discovery of torsion interactions as the fifth force. In 1976 A. Tam and V. Happer discovered that during the passing of two polarized laser beams through the pairs of natrium atoms these beams gravitate, provided they are polarized equally, or repel if they are opposite polarized. P. Nike and T. Pradan explained this fact by axial-vector torsion interaction. M. Leduk and B. Kasten observed the spin interaction of atom nuclei in quantum liquid - polarized helium-3. (“The Research”, 1988). H. Hayasaka and S. Takeuchi discovered the alteration in masses of rotating gyroscopes (“Physical Review Letters”, 1989). The effect was observed only in the case of right rotation of gyroscopes. This gyroscope effect was observed as well by other authors (N. A. Kozirev, S. M. Polyakov and O.S. Polyakov, I. Akira, etc.). There is the way of experimental investigation conducted according to the Atvesh’s methodology with the aim to prove the existence of the fifth force. (A. Fishman, “Annals of Physics”, 1988). The list of experimental works where the convincing evidences of the existence of the fifth fundamental interaction were obtained can be prolonged. At the Institute of Material Authority Problems (Kiev, Ukraine) scientists conducted the researches of spinor radiation influence on the crystallization process during the cooling of metal melt that showed neatly expressed structural changes of metals, the alteration of their physical qualities. It is stated at the report of State University of Telecommunication called after prof. M. A. Bonch - Bruevich (Saint Petersburg) that the scientists discovered the response of microcrystal forming in a powerful electric field on torsion radiation. At the Chernovitskiy State University the scientists researched the problems of torsion radiation registrars creation and the influence of these radiation on the objects with changing conditions of magnetic subsystem. At all cases the positive results were obtained. And one more report on the work fulfilled at the Institute of Medical Problems of the North (Krasnoyarsk, Russia).

The authors came to the following conclusions:

“It is determined that the influence of torsion field on a human organism and the dredge of lymphocytes of peripheral blood evokes the alteration in the intracellular exchange processes depending on the individual qualities of organism regulation”.

The models of polarized conditions of Physical Vacuum and torsion field.

At the modern science different models of Physical Vacuum (for example, Urnu’s vacuum, Bulvar’s vacuum, etc.) and conception connected with its polarization are used. Hypotheses are numerous and each has the right to exist as all of them try to highlight if not the entire problem then its part. That is the value of scientific search. So, the work [71] deals with the problems of polarization of Physical Vacuum under the influence of the waves with longitudinal component of electric field and appearance of these waves during so-called plasma-vacuum effect.

It should be mentioned about the model of space (Physical Vacuum) proposed by Vladimir Leonov, a candidate of technical science, a winner of Prize of Russian Federation in the sphere of science and technology.

If we talk about a structure of any physical object, about how it is organized, then we have to define its elementary particle. For material objects this is an atom - the smallest part of a matter that preserves its qualities. For a unit cell of space now no generally accepted name exists. The Leonov’s mathematical model of a unit cell of space is characterized by four physical rows - two electric (plus-minus), and two magnetic (north-south). These charges are in the form of tetrahedron where electric and magnetic axes are perpendicular. Thus, the model includes physical as well as geometrical senses. Leonov called it “geometrical quadrupole” where the electricity and magnetism are joined into one particle. A reservation have to be made: a mathematical modeling of any phenomenon does not obviously guarantee that such phenomenon actually exists, but it makes other scientists search arguments “for” and “against” and thus objectively widens the bounds of known.

According to Leonov, during the collapse of two oppositely charged elementary particles, for example, an electron and positron, there is not only annihilation explosion giving birth to a photon, but also a new particle is generated which later “impregnated” by any another particle with biggest energy will produce - materialize - an electron and a positron. It can be supposed that during the collapse of two oppositely charged elementary particles a new-formed particle serves as “plan”, “matrix” of materialization from vacuum (i.e. this particle carries information in non-displayed form, i.e. this information is “in potential”, in encoded form which meaning is concealed from a human consciousness). Leonov considers this information as power-informational binary unit. This information is peculiar a priori to all elements of the World as its developing potential level.

The investigations connected with the study of sole physical space - micro time - and macrocosm allowed V. S. Smirnov (S. -Petersburg) to put forward the hypothesis according to which a photon is a pair of an electron and positron joined into one space (as a photon is generated during the annihilation of an electron and positron). The circular renewable processes constantly occur between an electron and positron. The calculations show that Compton wavelength of an electron is equal to photon wavelength because an electron is a half of a single particle - photon.

The appearance of torsion fields can be explained with the help of Physical Vacuum model proposed by A. E. Akimov, which is P. Dirac’s electron-positron model of Physical Vacuum in an altered interpretation [1].

Lets make some preliminary remarks.

In the experimental nuclear plant a high-energy photon going near a heavy atom nucleus leaves a print on film - track - in such a way as if it spontaneously became a pair “particle-antiparticle” (electron and positron), i.e. a photon is transformed into a pair of mirror-image particles. This process is opposite to the process of annihilation when particle and antiparticle during the interaction “destroy” each other freeing a great quantity of energy.

As a result of annihilation of electron-positron pair the rest mass turns into electromagnetic radiation accompanied by torsion component.

It is known that electron and positron possess spin ‘S as well as electric and dipole moments ‘M and ‘D which are definitely oriented relatively to each other; there where the annihilation took place an element of a material space with the structure of Physical Vacuum stays, it includes a pair of enclosed in each other wave packets of particles with oppositely directed spins.

This material space constitutes some matrix of a possible birth of electron and positron from Physical Vacuum in the case of their interaction with particles with high energy. At that the birth of real matter from Physical Vacuum occurs, i.e. matter comes from virtual to real condition. It is possible that the origin of matrix is connected with the phenomenon of forms generation from initial movement and with the process of created forms self-preservation.

In the mentioned matrix there is an informational component providing corresponding characteristics of an electron and positron in the case of their materialization.

In accordance with [28] the neutral electromagnetic field remains there where the annihilation took place, it has the dimensionality of energy flow tightness that conforms well to above-mentioned information.

Furthermore, it was defined that electron and positron at the magnetic field rotate on a spiral in the opposite directions. These and other facts allow to choose the A. E. Akimov’s model as the base model of Physical Vacuum.

In accordance with this model Physical Vacuum is defined as material environment isotropicly filling all the space (the matter as well as free space), unobserved (on average and in time) in imperturbable condition. The mentioned space consists of the elements formed by the pairs of particles and antiparticles (according to P. Dirak - elecron-positron pairs).

Depending on the only demand - the fact of “inobservability” of Physical Vacuum in imperturbable condition the system particle-antiparticle has to satisfy following conditions: if voluminal dispensing of charges in a particle and corresponding antiparticle is the same than the genuine charge neutrality will be provided only in the case when in the present system the particle and antiparticle will be enclosed into each other while the system will be genuinely electro-neutral. taking into account the demand of “unobservability” in the presented system there is a need to have as well the spins compensated and the system itself can be presented as a pair of enclosed into each other particles with oppositely directed spins (SR and SL); as a result of genuine electro-neutrality and contradiction of spins such system will not possess the magnetic moment; the system particle-antiparticle have to possess a set of quantum energy levels as there is an experimentally proved fact of a particle and antiparticle pair birth from Physical Vacuum at the corresponding choice of stream energy - quanta.


The system of particles and antiparticles with stated qualities is called phyton (Fig.1), while the space formed by the compact arrangement of phytons is called Physical Vacuum (Fig.2). It should be underlined that with the help of presented approach we obtain a convenient, although different from modern conceptions, simple model of Physical Vacuum that allows to explain many phenomena unexplainable from the position of the traditional approach.

Fig. 2

Let’s consider the situation connected with Physical Vacuum disturbance by a charge +Q. In this case in the surrounding space there will be the charge polarization schematically shown on Fig.3.

For an external observer a charge polarized Physical Vacuum will be interpreted as electrostatic field.


Fig. 3

Fig.4, a

In the case when the source of disturbance is classic spin or the tightness of angular moment of rotation on microscopical level then the polarization of Physical Vacuum goes in such a way: if the source of disturbance has the spin shown on the Fig.4, a, b, then every phyton’s spin oriented oppositely to the spin of the source experiences inversion in the plane which is transversal to normal on the source of disturbance.

Fig.4, b

As a result, at some space surrounding the source of disturbance Physical Vacuum will be in the condition of spin transversal polarization, at the same time the size of polarized space is connected in a definite way with the value of disturbance factor.

The space orientation of a remanent spin field is shown on the Fig.5

Fig. 5

Taking into account the fact that torsion fields have a spin nature in the proposed model, one should expect that qualities of these fields essentially differ from qualities of other fields. Indeed, torsion field is screened by artificial materials, which have orthonormalized topology of structure, and not by nature environments. On the level of matter nuclear spins as well as full atom moment can serve as initial sources of torsion field. It is obvious that all matters have some initial spin ordering. Thus all the substances of abiocoen have own torsion fields, which are the collective manifestation of ordered atomic, and nucleus spins on the microscopic level. For this it is needed that nucleus and/or atomic spins would be parallel and monodirectional.

Taking this into account the collective torsion field of an object will have the space orientation shown on the Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

As charge polarization leads to charge and spin nonequilibrium, torsion field always appears at all space where electrostatic field appears and simultaneously with it. Thus, any permanent magnet possesses torsion field aside from magnetic field. On the Fig. 7 there is the diagram of permanent magnet collective torsion field directedness comparatively to its magnetic field. During the magnetization of a ferromagnet there is the ordering of space orientation of molecular cur­rent which creates the in­itial magnetic fi­elds that leads as well to or­dering of classic spins generated by el­ec­­trons movement at the annular molecular currents

Fig. 7

The torsion field of water occupies the special place in the variety of torsion fields.

According to the hydro-magnetic conception of bioinformational exchange [30] the water of atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere being in the geomagnetic field is also a source of right and left torsion fields of spin nature. As magnetic field and water are everywhere on the Earth and in the universe, torsion field of water has a global background character and is one of the reasons of geomagnetic anomalies formation and manifestation. The authors of the hydro-magnetic conception think that during the study of torsion fields the problems of their coherent radiation and absorption are of a great interest.

Thus, the sources of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields are the sources of torsion fields as well. The deduction that torsion fields always accompany electromagnetic manifestations is extremely important for a big number of applied problems; particularly, this deductions will be used while describing the mechanism of negative impact of displays, TV sets and other electronic equipment on the human.

One more class of fields natural sources is formed by geometrical shapes of different matters, i.e. produced by local features of topology of that or another object of space [18].

In accordance with the mentioned models one can suppose that a reaction on the topological disturbance of Physical Vacuum is such redistribution of torsion fields about this object that compensates this disturbance. The examples of space configuration of torsion fields generated by the effect of shapes are presented on the Fig.8:

a-      the torsion field of a cone,

b-      the torsion field of a cylinder which altitude is less then its radius.

Fig.8, a

Fig.8, b

Besides, physical objects are known to have the “field” activity (structures, devices, matters, objects, physical fields, etc.), for example laser beam - highly coherent electromagnetic fields in the visible spectral range; it is also have informational influence upon the human.

A fundamental conception in the problem being examined is the scientific category of information. For more than two thousand years information was understood as message transmission and only with the appearance of cybernetics and later informatics it is considered as independent fundamental category. Nowadays information along with the notion of matter and energy is considered as the most important characteristics of human activity. The notion of information is polysemantic and has many definitions opening that or another detail of this notion. The understanding of information as reflected variety appeared to be the widest. In the broad sense by information the main part or side of such attribute of matter, as reflection is understood. Its peculiar feature is that it can be realized, transferred and it can participate in other forms of movement which are incarnated in nature and society as well as in created informational - cybernetic equipment, particularly in a computer [68]. Such understanding of information allows to say that information is a feature of not only the highest forms of matter organization but as well of the fundamental universe itself (along with matter and energy). The modern level of scientific knowledge allows connecting the development of matter from inanimate to animate with the processes of reflection and with accumulation of valuable information. As an attribute of the matter, information participated in the processes of its self-organization and appearance of the animate organisms. The majority of scientists recognize information as a fundamental scientific (and many - as philosophic) category. Information is a factor of development from elementary to the highest, from simple to complex aspects in nature and society that during the perception of an objective world allows to single out the informational layer of knowledge, to incarnate an informational approach during the perception of natural phenomena. At the evolving conception of informational - energetic space and bioinformatics we consider information as a fundamental manifestation of the universe (Physical Vacuum) along with matter-energy.

Depending on the sphere of knowledge there are different definitions: information is communication and connection, which destroys uncertainty, information is a measure of structural variety, etc.

In the contemporary literature the definition proposed by A.D. Ursul took a stable position: information is a reflected variety of the world.

In this definition any attention is not accentuated upon an impartially existing characteristic of information as itself. The conception of bioinformatics allowed V. N. Volchenko to propose the following variant of definition: information is a structural and notional variety and its measure. This definition allowed to specify the notion of information concerning its manifestation on material level. At this scientists proceed from the postulate that every material phenomenon is preceded by corresponding information about it. This concealed information (for example, some encoded image, project, information “in potential”) stays as if “poste restante”, its sense is hidden from a human mind. The concealed information of such world (Physical Vacuum) for an observer from the external world can be called “imaginary information”. It is appropriate to remind that in physics the notion “imaginary” applied to energy and mass was initially proposed and then developed by Y. P. Terletskiy (1973) and then by G. I. Shipov (1996). The expansion of this notion applied to information seems to be acceptable.

The developed information is considered to be the information intrinsic to all forms of material being.

The reflected information supposes an object of perception, i.e. the fulfilment of informational or informational-energetic interaction. It can be already considered as an element of consciousness, including the human one.

The creating information stimulates the process of creative work in all its manifestations in the nature. This is the highest form of information; it can be presented as the ability of complex systems to informational or informational-energetic interactions. Such approach - informational - becomes especially urgent in the study process of possible mechanisms of torsion fields negative impact on the human.

The notion of information, as it was mentioned above, is various. A deep comprehension of information allows to represent it as a general, extremely aninted process of fundamental relations, connections, interactions and interdependency of energy, movement, mass and antimass of all presented in the universe micro- and macrostructures. Our entire world is informational.

In the considered concrete case the information should be understood as the measure of phyton symmetry distortion in comparison with the unpolarized condition of Physical Vacuum. The measure of phyton symmetry distortion characterizes the physical processes, which occur in computer displays, and depends on the value of high voltage applied to the first anode of cathode-ray tube (CRT), on the processes proceeding during the deviation of electron ray, on the processes proceeding in a luminophor, etc.

The approach considered at this book is based on the thesis of supremacy of general geometric principles in the Nature. The concrete physical objects always have materially existing forms. In the physical sense the notion “forms” can be interpreted as an informational structure, whose limits of performance depend on space features of a concrete object. And as information is non-physical then we can think about its transmission at any speed and at any distances. At the same time considering it as a quality of the continual structure of the world, today it is impossible to define the registration of influence of geometrical relations change in a local region of total continuum on the conditions of geometrical relations in another local region.

Depending on this, we can say that change of geometrical relations and rules according to which relations are built (informational measure) may lead to energetic changes. By energetic changes one should understand the alteration of cofiguration of variety, interpreted by us as the matter and field in all their variants and combinations. Thus, information can cause alterations of power. However, information is not only an aim but also the game rules by which energy distribution in a system happens. A game without rules is not a game, but rules without a game are nothing as well. That is the interconnection between information and energy. If energy is the qualities of geometrical continuum, then information is the rules of changes and transmission of qualities with the aim to obtain new information.

The authors of publications [15,16], who examined the influence of forms of closed spaces of different configuration on the physiological condition of animate organisms, traced the way of formation, functioning and the processes of transmission of morphogenetic information. Examining the space formation in animate and inanimate nature, they discovered that the speed and quality of metabolism processes essentially depend on the form of external screen, which creates “the effect of forms”. This led them to the thought about the possibility to find a source of morphogenetic information outside an organism.

There is a significant need to describe the processes of transmission, storage and exchange of torsion information between a PC user and a display, between a cell nucleus and cytoplasm in terms and notions of the theory of information.

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