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If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go?


9 If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go?

Some people enjoy their modern life and can't imagine living in the past again, while others believe that living in the past would be more suitable for them. As for me, for sure i will choose to live in the past ,ten years ago in my childhood and in my primary school.

There is no doubt that, the childhood is the age of the beautiful innocence. What a kid have deeply in his heart is clearly expressed on his face so that i would not have to hide my real emotions. Moreover, I would have the right to laugh or to cry at any time and in any place. In additon to, i would have all my sweet memories with my first experiences. There are also my old friends who shared with me a lot of unforgetable days. Also, i was more linked to my parents and mysister as i was spending much more time with them .

Furthermore, in that time, i would not have to think about responsabilities or remember any duties that means i would not have my daily routine that i am living now.Besides i would not have to worry about the money and my expenses. In fact i would only think at having fun with my friends.In another words ,i would be relaxed and forget the stress life . When we were younger, we were always wishing to become older,but when we grow up, we shall know that , it was the best period of our life.

Also if i have the chance to do that, I could live with my grandfather. Because of his kindness I loved him alot. Not only he was my grandfather but also he was my best friend as he learned me a lot and gave me my first lessons in the life.I can't forget till now our early trips and going to fishing in the sunny days.

I believe that going back to the past is a very good idea. Maybe some people prefer their modern life with all its advantages but personally, i would benefit more from the earlier life because it represents all my sweet days and lack of responsabilities and dut

10. You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to


f i have the chance to visit a foreign country, for sure, i'll choose to visit United States of America. Actually that was my dream since fifteen years. Really, thet would be the most beautiful journey in my life. I have three reasons to proof my choice, and they are; big country, diffrent cultures, and meeting many all varieties of people.

Firstly, U.S.A is the biggest and the most civilized in the world. Also, it has the many big cities, such as, Newyork and Washington. Certainly, I would like alot to live in such big and crowded cities that has a huge number of people. Moreover, in States you can feel the smell of the old history in its museums and some old buildings. Simultaneously, you can find also the latest technology and the highrest levels of modernization.

secondly, only in America, you can find many dieffrent cultures in the same place. For examples, you can find a chinese area beside arabian area. You may have your lunch in Italian resturant while take your dinner in Indian food court. Furthermore, every state has its own differnt laws and legislations. While you are move from state to another, you feel that you are in different country not in different state.

Thirdly, you can meet many varieties of peoples. Despite the large number of nationalities and religions, all of them live peacefulliy with each other. Besides, you can see there all colors such as Nigros, Asians and Caucasians. In addition to, tha larege number of mosques and churches. In fact, you can see an amazing style of creative interaction between all these kinds of people there.

May be, some of people are not intrested in visiting foreign countries. In contrast, I am lookin forward to see every place in this huge world. In a nutshell, the united States gives you all the fruits of the world in one nice koktail. Since, it is the only country that have big area, huge population and different civilizations.

11.Speak about the importance of friendship in one's life.

Din caiet

Friendship is a human characteristic, fact visible even by Aristotle (even before Epicurus), who presumed that "nobody can live without friends, even if he/she has all the fortunes in the whole world."

Those are the most common tips of how to be a true friend: treat your friends the way you want to be treated... keep secrets that are told to you... pay attention when your friend is talking with you... keep your promises... share things with your friend, don't be a selfish person... always tell your friend the true... and stick up for your friend.
August the 3rd is the International Friendship Day for most of the nations in the world, time to recognize your friends and their contributio 12412c21m n to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace and positivism to the globe. Friends come in many shapes, size and guises: school friends, work colleagues, siblings, partners, neighbors. Pull out all the stops and let your friend know they are truly appreciated.
Strong friendships may be the most important stress-fighter you have. Socializing has proven health benefits, so spend time with your friends.

Having friends is like having a family. I am lucky enough to have best friend in my life. I have someone to talk with about my problems, protect me, do their best for me, and support each other and I do the same thing for them.This is not because they are my friends, but it's because friendship is about love, need, and care each other without questioning it.
Everyone needs friends. No matter how successful you become, money worth nothing if you have no one to spend it on and enjoy it with

12.Speak about a person or personality you admire most.

The person I admire the most is my mother.I take pride in saying that i admire her most in my family.She is like The Sun in the Solar system and all the rest of the family are like planets revolving around the Sun.
I admire my mother very much because she gives me faith and support.

When i'm feeling down she comes back and picks me up and protects me from danger. She is very kind, caring, loving, compassionate and ready to solve our problems. Every action that she does reflects her love and affection for each and every member of the family. She goes to bed after everyone in the family is in bed. She is a friend, philosopher and a mentor for all of us in the family. She gives us courage and confidence. When she is around we can be rest assured that everything will be fine. There is so much anyone can learn from her. I remember her always being there for all of us no matter what . She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely and the most important lessons I learned from her was how to love unconditionally. I like when I am going to sleep, when I wake up or when I am going to some places, she always give me a kiss and when the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.
She is a very good wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and organized. She is a very organized person and all things in the house are in the right place.
So the reasons for my admiration to her are as I stated above. God sent an angel in the form of a mother. So everything I am and believe in, has come from something she taught, said or was just there for. My only wish is to be half the person she is and earn appreciation from all.

13 negative aspects of using the Internet

Internet represents one of the most significant inventions in civilization of mankind. Internet is just to make things easier and faster. We are using the technology for a better life. It has become part of our lives and we are more than dependent on computers.

Depending on computers and Internet is not a good thing.I think we should use but not depend on it. Many people today are enjoying a day-to-day reliance on the Internet. They talk abot e-shopping, e-trading, e-therapy and just about "e-everything".One of many concerns is that humans will no longer need to relate with one another for information and services the Internet can now provide.In my opinion, the accelerating speed of information should not replace human communication, thinking or creativity.

Internet can be used for a variety of things like: write a letter and keep in touch, do shopping, communicating with each other at great distances, meet new people, share new ideas, downloading music, videos, pictures and easy way to store information .The advantages are endless but there are also many disadvantages like: fraud, child exploitation, data corruption, violence, pornography or theft of money, credit and personal information. Much information about people is now made public and shared between private organizations. In the right hands, this information can be helpful, but in the wrong hands can have several detrimental effects.The Internet provides an unrestricted acces to a multitude of pornographic material in a variety of media formats. There is also an abundance of emails "spam" that are sent on a daily basis trying to draw subscribers to these websites.

Many studies show that children spend more time in front of their computers,playing video games or chatting than going out playing in the park with other children.Children loose their time and stay up too late and this can cause health problems especially at the eyes or lead to a lack of sleep.

In spite of the bad aspects, computers have become such an important part of our life that is hard to imagine living without them.Whether it is bad or good, we can't stop depending on it.

Internet content is totally uncensored;
- because of this, Internet surfers ( especially children ) can be exposed to sexual, malicious, racist, and violent content in e-mail messages, chats, and forums;

it is possible for Internet surfers to find information encouraging illegal drugs

the information encountered by the Internet surfer may encourage them to use alcohol;
- or by presenting them how to prepare explosives, it can tempt them into trying this;

fraud - this is when someone steals someone else's screen name and password and goes on line to a commercial site and begins to order vast amounts of merchandise under the stolen identity;

favourite means of transport

Nowadays we can choose one mean of transportation from many kinds of tools, such as buses, trains, ships and planes. However, my favorite one is by train. Whenever I want to go outside for a travel, my choice is going by train.

There're two main reasons why I choose the train. Trains are comfortable, without sudden movements, and mostly you can move around in them. Train Travel is a great way of transport for independent travelers. It is fast, comfortable, and it gives the opportunity to watch the landscape passing by. Travelling by train offers me a valuable chance to encounter new friends. During the long way to the destination, I have enough time to talk with strangers sitting beside me. It will add a piece of joyful memory to my trip.

The Train - My Favourite Means of Transport When Going about the Country :

- this is why the train is my favourite means of transport when travelling about the country;
- travelling by train is as if having hired my personal car driver ( but few can have personal car drivers at theirs disposal, except those bosses of some huge companies );
- the prices are OK and they have reduced prices for different categories of passengers : children, students, pensioners;
- the train timetables are fixed and strict ( except special weather conditions or special railway situations );
- railways are not usually so much affected by the bad weather conditions than, let's say, the roads;
- they have specially trained workers to maintain and keep the railways in proper function;
- the chances of accidents are much diminished when travelling by train than let's say by car;
- I can admire the sceneries through the train window ( which is a delight to me );
- I can even read a book ( which I can't do if travelling by car );
- I can enjoy the socializing company of the other passengers in the train compartment ( as people quickly become nice company keepers when travelling by train );
- the railway stations are provided with waiting rooms for those waiting or being forced to wait longer in case of bad weather conditions;
- I can choose the type of train comfort I want ( if I have enough money or extra comfort money for express, fast, or slow trains );
- travelling by train is not very noisy, so I can safely even sleep, or use the sleeping car service provided especially for this purpose ;
- I can open the window or the door of my compartment or the window of the train compartment corridor to adjust the temperature;
- I can use the restaurant car service if I want something to eat or drink;

15 favourite holiday and the traditions related

Christmas is my favourite holiday and is the best time for me. It brings friends and family together. Everyone smells joy in the air and everyone is celebrating Jesus' birthday. It's a matter of opening gifts and celebrating the Lord. Christmas means having fun with your family, spending time with your family, seeing all the beautiful lights, decorating the tree, eating all the food you can eat, celebrating Jesus's birthday and buying presents for other people.
In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas on 25 of December is a high point of the year.From November , it is impossible to forget that Christmas is coming. Coloured lights decorate many town centres and shops, along with shiny decorations and artificial snow painted on shop windows. In streets and shops, Christmas trees are also decorated with lights and Christmas ornaments. By mid-December, most homes are also being decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights and paper or plastic decorations around the rooms. These days, many more people decorate garden trees or house walls with coloured electric lights.

Christmas in Romania is a great fun time with lots of unique customs and traditions. We decorate our houses, go shopping, bake cookies and cakes, send Christmas cards and decorate the Christmas tree .Christmas songs are an indispensable part of the festivities surrounding the occasion of the birth of our Holy Father and are also a mean to spread the good cheer of the festival. One tradition is that children carry a large wooden star which is covered with shiny paper and decorated with bells and colored ribbon. A picture of the Holy Family is put in the star's center and a lighted candle is placed inside to give the effect of a heavenly lantern.The Christmas season is a time for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and sharing traditions with the loved ones. Family time at Christmas can create some of life's most precious memories. My favorite Christmas traditions is the decorating of the Christmas tree. With Christmas music playing in the background, we all hang our own ornaments on the tree.
I love Christmas because for me it's one of the most wonderful times of the year.


New Year

-holidays are official or unofficial observances of religious, national, cultural and secular events;
- holidays are often accompanied by celebrations and festivities;
- some holidays are international, but celebrated in national, specific ways;

New Year's Day falls on January 1;
- it is the first day of the new calendar year;
- however, the majority of New Year's celebrations occur on the New Year's Eve, December 31;
- on this eve, the international custom is to send a farewell to the ending year and to acclaim the welcoming of the New Year, with joy, happiness, and crack fires;
- it is hope of future success spiritually and financially which mark the holiday;
- celebrating the beginning of the New Year and the end of the Old Year is a religious, social and cultural observance in many countries;

- most of the New Year's traditions in Romania are meant to express reciprocal good luck and fortune ;
- on New Year's Eve Romanian children sing "Plugusorul" and "Sorcova";
- in their songs, they wish good luck, happiness and success to anyone willing to welcome them

- the way the Romanians celebrate the New Year's Holiday is the dearest to me because I am very familiar with these customs and traditions, which I also practice myself;

16.Speak about the things you do to have a healthy life.

in choosing the type of food I eat, then, I have two choices : inorganic, processed foods, and organic, unprocessed foods;
- because I know that processed foods contain chemicals ( some of which are proven to be toxic ), and that vitamin content is reduced in processed foods, I prefer organic, unprocessed foods to inorganic processed foods;
- this is what I do in order to preserve my health :
a). I avoid dairy products in huge eatable amounts ( esp. butter, and eggs );
b). I reduce the amounts of meat ( beef and pork ), and any meat that is fatty ;
c). I cut out sugar, salt and coffee ;
d). I eat plenty of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables, and salads;
e). I always start my day with eating a very good breakfast ( esp. cereals, and fruit );
f). I drink a lot of pure drinking water during the day;

- I usually have long walks every day;
- I go for a swim when I get a chance;
- I ride my bike when the weather is fine and i play basketball

- sleep is apparently necessary to our health

- as a rule I tend to sleep 7-8 hours a night;
- so I am rigorous in respecting my sleeping hours;
- and this is reflected by my body's good health;

- my life's priorities are good health, good work, and good fun

17. Speak about the importance of being good - mannered in one's life.

Any educated person must learn and respect the good manners in society and in their families. Living together is difficult if the good manners are not present and we can see that every day at school, in the street and even at home. RESPECT ME TO RESPECT YOU - is something that everybody must do. The good manners still exist for most of the people but some young people consider them out of fashion and have no respect for anything or for anyboby. For example not all the students always respect their teachers or their own parents

when I came to consider this topic for my exam I thought about my behavior at home during all these years of my existence and this is what I concluded :
- as a rule I was almost always helpful to others in my home;
- I usually said "please" and "thank you" whenever I interacted with my folks;

I did all these because my mother taught me that courtesy, politeness, or having good manners means having respect for others as I have for myself;

- then I started meditating upon my behaviour in school :
- I always said good morning / afternoon whenever I walked past an adult that I knew;
- I never took something from others without first asking if I could borrow it;
- I always returned things that I borrowed;
- I always waited for my turn before I spoke;
- I said "excuse me" rather than pushing past someone;
- I hold the door open for the person coming in, especially when he or she was carrying something

- I respected other people;
- I was polite to other people, even unknown people;
- I never used bad language in public ( for I was taught it is offensive to others );

-I do not smoke, so I never disturbed others through this habit

- I never made fun of anyone

18.Speak about the way in which fashion influences one's personality

"Fashion can be bought. Style one must have !" ( Edna Woolman Chase );

Fashion = a mode of dress or overall style

by definition, fashion implies a mode of dress or overall style - so a personality ;
- this overall style is accepted as the one that represents a personality's up-to-dateness;
- fashion is not necessarily the same thing as clothes;
- clothes are often used in individual ways;
- so being fashionable is different from using clothes in particular ways;
- the distinction "being in fashion" versus "using clothes in particular ways" is the same as that of "having a personality" versus "being a person"; ( I am a person, by nature; but I become a personality by my own choices )

Fashion is a form of art. It's a way for us to be creative every day. Fashion helps us to show a bit of our personality through our appearance. Someone with a fun personality will generally have more "fun" clothes, with brighter colors or patterns. A more serious person will have stricter fashion, with more neutral colors and cut styles. Fashion isn't only what people say is "in style." It's really just how you dress. Fashion makes a statement. It can show what kind of a person you are. Looking good will generally give you more confidence and this attracts people to you as well.

Each individual differ from each other with their lifestyle. Each person just wants to express their own way of saying things. A person's fashion can make a big impact on his personality. Trend on today's fashion has a big influence on an individual's lifestyle.Every day people wake up and wonder what they are going to wear. People use fashion to present themselves to the public eye. What we wear is an image of what we want the world to see.

We chose our style to express our personality. It's nice to be cool and to dress with the times.But what's cool now is probably going to look silly in a few years.

It's not a bad thing to want to look good. Fashion has always been around. It always will be. Many of the great artists of our generation are fashion designers. They are just like painters or writers, they just use fashion instead of words or pictures. Fashion defines us. It can show how we are as individuals.But fashion may not always reflect people's personalities because sometimes when we look at someone it's about what's on the inside, not necessarily what that person wears

19.Speak about your favourite actor / actress

Mel Gibson is one of the greatest actors from Hollywood. He is smart, intelligent and a very handsome actor.

He is very good in what he's doing. He is a special and talented actor, situated in the firsts 50 actors from Hollywood. He is a director and a script-writer too.

He is 52 years old (but he doesn't look like).

He is married with Robyn Moore since 1980 and he has 7 children.

He made his debut in 1976 in the movie "Summer City".

After 1980 drama becomes his favorite type of film

In my opinion, Mel Gibson is one of the greatest actors alive. I like him because he isn't just an actor, but a director and a script-writer too. He acts his roles in a way that makes you think he's one with the character; he is not false in gestures or in lines, he lives the character's story. The movie that I like the most is "What women want". It's a comedy in which he plays the role of Nick Marshall, a man who wakes in a morning and he realizes that he can hear the thoughts of all women. He ends of falling in love with a work made.

In conclusion, I recommend to all to see just a movie in which my favourite actor, Mel Gibson, acts and they will see themselves what a good and talented actor Mel Gibson is!

21.Describe the town where you live or another place in which you would like to live.

Within the European Union, Vienna is the city with the highest quality of life.

The Viennese are very confident about the high quality of life of their city. What they especially value about it are the many parks and the closeness to the countryside. Vienna, with its many large parks and gardens, is a very green city. Naturally, these are available to the population free of charge. Lovers of outings can leave the big city behind them in a very short time. From the city centre you can be in the middle of the greenery in 20 minutes.

Vienna it's one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world with incredible antiquities and a wonderful ambiance. It's hard to describe Vienna in a few words because it's vast and rich in art, monuments, it's a historic city which has preserved its charm and independence throughout the centuries. Vienna's history can be read in every monument and palace.

The city could be described as a gigantic open-air museum, visited each year by millions of tourists.

I'd like to live here because there is other civilization, people are good- mannered, the town is clean and safe.

Vienna is the city of music, of art , of culture.

Vienna possesses a lively and vast array of cultural attractions: theatres, (BURGTHEATHER), museums- Albertina, Museumsquartier cathedrals- Saint Stephen's, castles- Hofburg, Schonbrug, Belvedere.

Austrian Universities or companies may support you,

The quality of life is generally very high in Vienna

Vienna - city of culture: numerous activities in the area of theatre, music, art exhibitions, public readings, museums and operas that cater to all tastes!

Imperial Vienna: Imperial buildings like Hofburg, Schönbrunn Palace, Belvedere Palace, the splendid buildings of the Ring Boulevard, the medieval narrow streets and the baroque squares that shape the city's image.

A safe city with an excellent public transport network of underground trains, trams and buses

Well-organised public services, a clean environment and excellent transport options

Educational facilities are efficient and available to all

Good price level: excellent value for money

Moderate and mild climate. Average summer temperatures 20°C to 30°C, average winter tempera-tures around 0°C.

22. Speak about the advantages of being a famous person

Starting from an early age up to the end of our lives, every one dreams to become a famous person. It's true that there is a lot of hard work, luck and amny responsibilities involved, but still, it's impossible not to consider all the advantages that the celebrity enjoys.
Just imagine yourself in such a position.... everybody knows you , loves you and even worships you ! You are in the eyes and heart of the media all the time, everybody is watching you. Think about all those fan-clubs full of people eager to know everything about you, eager to predict and comment on your actions. Every single statement you make is seen as a new law, any style you may adopt projects you in the field of fashion settlers. Step by step you have become a role model for them, Children wish to be like you when they grow up, teen-agers tend to imitate you and adults admire your atitude. Isn't that great ?
Apart from that, your travel all over the world and you can see even the remotest corners of this planet, and people may have a contact with them through your eyes. I, for one, would be honored to know this and accomplish the wishes of so many people who cannot otherwise make this dream come true. This way, they would travel with me trough the cameras, following me and have a glimpse of the beauty abroad
It is said that celebrities own a lot of money and enjoys luxury. And this is true. They are able to fulfill all their dreams and other people's wishes, equallt. Most of them are known ti be charitable and helping the poor, the sick, the unfortunate. I think that this is what really makes you feel great and important ... showing your feelings and compassion to those who really need it. Moreover, they will surely appreciate it a lot and turn you into a kind of hero .... their hero. And now, not only that you feel great by doing this, but also people will love you even more.
All this being said, I cannot stop thinking about all the advantages Ihave mentioned above and dreaming to be such a person, even for one day, or at least, half of it!

23.Despite some critical opinions, sport is believed to bring out the best in us

It is said that sport is the way in which your body can be kept healthy and full of life. Making sport not only puts your muscles in movement, but also releases yourself from a big quantity of stress. It is good at least once a day to have time to do sport. It's not neccessary to go to a gym, you can just go for a ride with your bike or jogging. In this way you can make two things at the same time and that is to combine useful things with pleasure.

Sport helps you develop your body harmoniously, keep you in good health and shape and develop abillites like attention, speed, reaction or imagination.Sport also gives us a satisfying and enjoyable way to develop our own talents and teaches us about the process of how to improve and work more effectively. Through personal effort we become good at something we are interested in and doing something well makes us feel good about ourselves.Sports allow us to clear our minds and concentrate better.

I think we should pay more attention to sport. The aim is to encourage, promote and support sport and healthy lifestyle initiatives for young people.

A recent study shows that more and more children are spending hours in front of TV or computer screens every night, contributing to a large amount of children categorised as obese.That's why i think we should focus on promoting sport in schools and show young people the importance of sport activity. There are many benefits for students who are involved in sports. They are physically active, which helps keep them healthy. They also learn about teamwork, discipline and leadership.

Sport teaches us big lessons for life. Most sports involve teamwork and teach us how to get along with others, how to work together to achieve a common goal, and about trust and responsibility. All sports teach us about dealing with success and failure. Sport encourages a sense of belonging and identity, bringing people together .It also brings people from different classes and backgrounds together - after all, sport is a universal language.

24.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One has more opportunities for selfdevelopment abroad?

Living abroad is something that especially the younger ones often dream about.

Living abroad is an excellent way to meet new people and truly learn and understand a culture.It also lets you learn about many new things, make new friends, and develop benefits for your career. You can develop real advantages like improved foreign language skills, a more international perspective, greater tolerance for other opinions, ability to think more originally and to see more than one perspective on an issue, greater self-reliance and self-confidence and more comfort with complex situations.But living in a new culture helps us realize new ways of doing things, and also helps us to see that even though we are different, we are all human. And in many cases, not only will you get to know the natives of the country you are visiting, you may get to know people from all over the world.

Nowadays students try to find and study at good universities which have better opportunities and facilities. For that reason students select to study abroad because of some advantages such as learning a new language, better opportunities, well equipped laboratories, well stocked libraries and best computer facilities, which are more useful after graduation, in spite of the fact that there are also many disadvantages that students will encounter at the beginning like, culture shock, home sickness, difficulties in communication.

One of the greatest things that happens when you do something as big as live in another country is that you become a changed person and your outlook on life is different. Your new maturity can help lead you to new places in your life.You will develop self-reliance. You will learn to work effectively with people from cultural backgrounds. You can establish contacts that may open up new opportunities in your future career.
In conclusion , I think that living abroad may be very good for everyone and can give opportunities for self-development.

25.Pets occupy an esteemed place in many of our households, often being treated as members of the family. Speak about the benefits of keeping pets.

Anyone who has ever loved a pet knows how much joy that relationship can bring, but there is increasing scientific evidence that the unique bond we share with our pets dramatically enriches our lives, our psyhical health and our emotional well-being. Pets can help to reduce stress, relieve loneliness and depression and prevent heart disease.They offer a source of amusement, pleasure, and companionship. They provide opportunities for outdoor exercise and socialization. And, according to some studies, they can decrease our blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Pets can be there for you in ways that people can't. They can offer love and companionship, and can also enjoy comfortable silences, keep secrets. And they could be the best antidote to loneliness. In fact, research shows that nursing home residents reported less loneliness when visited by dogs than when they spent time with other people. All these benefits can reduce the amount of stress people experience in response to feelings of social isolation and lack of social support from people.

Pets give responsability, they are loyal, humorous and they are always waiting for you when you get home.Even if they can't say it with words pets love us too.They also need us. Some are right now in pet stores waiting for someone to take them home.Pets can even save lives. There have been several incidents of pets attacking intruders or awaking people up when their house is on fire.Some are great alarm clocks. Just imagine your cat or dog jumping on you while you are asleep

It's important to realize that owning a pet isn't for everyone. Pets do come with additional work and responsability, which can bring its own stress. However, for most people, the benefits of having a pet are more than disadvantages.

26.Describe your best friend (physical appearance, moral qualities - supported by examples - hobbies/interests) and say why he/she is special to you.

My best friend is my mother.

Ia de la sub cu persoana pe care o admiri

27.Speak about a hobby you have or you would like to have.

spune despre basket si ia de la sub despre sport

28.Speak about the impact of music on your life.

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