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Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence


Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence

The person who truly had an influence on me was my grand grandmother. In my opinion, a character is being built from small pieces which are stolen from the other characters around it. But everyone has one person which influences him or has influenced him more or less.

I may say that she had the professi 515n1317f on of mother because besides me she grew her brother, her four children and her four grand children. She was a teriffic cook and from her I got the taste of a really good food. She told me how to choose and combine my clothes so that I can be admired by the people around me.

She was the one that raised me and like the saying "Mother is the one who raised you not the one that gave birth to you". My parents were at work and then she said that she would take me at her and my mom having no other possibility agreed.

I consider she had an influence on me because she was the one that taught me how to be a man, a respectable part of the society. If it were not for her I would not have such a good education.

What more I could say she taught me almost everything that I know from walking and speaking to how to dress. I might say that I had the best influence that a man could ever have over him. As a young child she taught me what was the meaning of life, of money and she trusted me and my possibilities both physical and intellectual. This way she made me think twice when I do something because I could hurt someone without intention and then I would be sorry and in life you don't meet with the same situation twice.

She always told to respect the ones around me and only then I will be respected too. She gave me the talent of speaking because she had an unique way of telling stories. I remember that she told me about The second World War many times but every time in a different way that made me curious and made me to stay hours with her and listening to her speaking.

Although she had only four grades when she was 79 years old I was speaking with her about computers and about music which I consider it is a fantastic thing because I tell you it is impossible to find an old men who knows about computers and house music or any other musical stiles.

Later on, when I moved with my parents I was coming, at least two times a week, to speak with her and to taste her great dishes.

She had an extraordinary character and I think that I will never in my life have the occasion to meet such a person. She was and is the superstar of my life and sometimes I feel that from there up she is watching me, looking after me like a guarding angel.

Shortly this was my grand grandmother, the person I loved the most and that kind of person which is impossible not to be influenced by even if you talked to her just for 5 minutes.

She made my childhood memorable by giving me all that a small kid like me could ever want and need.

Sincerely I think that after reading this, you wish to have met my grand grandmother and believe me if you had met her you would have instantly liked her and admired her.

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