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10 Roses for You


10 Roses for You You are receiving these roses because you are a special person! Each rose symbolizes a special wish from me to you.

One Rose for Long Friendship

One Rose for Unconditional Love

One Rose For Financial Wealth

One for Everlasting Happiness
One for Success

One for Knowledge
One for Beauty, inner and outer

One for Family

One for Honesty
 And the last one for a long and healthly life  

For every friend you send these roses to, your wish will come one month sooner 

This is a friend test. Send this to as many friends as you possibly can especially the person that sent to you and if you get it back, you truly will know who your friends are. If you break this chain, you'll have bad Luck. I'm warning you, so now you get to make a free wish!! You have 30 seconds start. If you send this to 2 people - it will come true in a year 5 people - in 3 months 7 people - in 1 month 10 people - in a week 15 or more- tomorrow

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