We consider ourselves free and equal from the moment we come into this world, but the truth is that the society which we have built does not accept such concepts. From nation, behavior to what we wear, where we live, we are all different. Those who do not accept something else beside what they consider to be norma 747b19h l are not open-minded people. One should see behind a long hair, a colored t-shirt or a black skin and other such things and realize this is not bad, is just a choice.
Every human has his perfect place in society. We all have a role and a status. Even if are people from other countries, other cultures, other religions, etc, they are just like us.
We have an example in our country: Romanian and gypsy. Even they are a very old population, we did not use to them nici pana in zilele noastre. A lot of people still discriminate them. Often, when a gypsy is passing by you, you try to avoid him, you may look at him different or you are tempted to show him with your finger.
The gypsies are a little bit different from our culture. The most visible difference is that of the skin color. The gypsies are descended from Indians, so they are creoles, beside us who are descended from Dacians and have a white skin.
You can easily observe their specific clothes. Women wear a long, bouffant and very colored skirt with some floral prints on it and a short blouse which often is tied above their abdomen. Always they wear a scarf on their head and they use a lot of jewels: especially, necklaces and bracelets from which attach some ducats. Men wear long and black trousers with a black jacket. Often, they have some big, black hats. All women have long hair catch into one or two tails and men have long moustache.
We also have our specific clothes, very different from the gypsies. Romanian women wear a long white skirt with a colored apron above it and a white blouse with different red and black prints on it. Like the gypsy women, they also were a colored scarf and some laced moccasins. Men wear a white shirt......Of course, those costumes are different from regions to regions.
Gypsies talk another language called Romany. But a lot of them know very well our language. They have their specific songs, dances, proverbs and household words all different from ours.
Also, they are practicing some specific trades like:.....
Gypsies are a little bit against the education. They rarely send their children to schools and only the boys have this advantage. In many cases they achieve only the first or second grade because they prefer to go to work. The girls are learned to stay at home, to cook and take care of their children. Usually, the gypsies' families are very numerous. They have a lot of children whom they marry very young.