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Uniforms are being introduced more and more in schools. Is this a bad, good or neutral thing?

A very good argument for uniforms to be introduced in schools is that it offers equal chances to all 646u2012g students. There are rich ones who have possibilities buying all kind of clothes and there are poor ones who do not have this advantage and so, they can not feel embarrassed.

Another good reason is that, by wearing uniforms the guardians can see who is a student of that school and who is not. It is a good method to prevent fights, steeling and other offences.

A negative argument for wearing uniforms is that we can not express a part of our personality because the uniform impose some strict rules. We are all alike and this is a stressing thing for us, teenagers.

A second negative reason is that, the uniform is not adaptable for all kind of weather. The jacket is too thin for cold temperature as in winter and too thick for warm temperature as in summer.

For me, wearing the uniform is a neutral thing because the positive and negative reasons are in the same measurement.

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