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White Western girls are trapped in Third World prisons. 

The crudest form of sexual slavery awaits them.

They soon preferred death to being locked in there...

Posted 05/21/2003

Jane was an idealistic journalist, fresh out of college - she hadn't been prepared for this.  Their male counterparts had been shot while "resisting" arrest and the women had been tried in a secret military court and given life sentences for the false charge of aiding 'terrorists'.  In reality Jane and her fellow band of journalists, human rights activists and students, had illegally crossed the border into this central Asian country to find the truth behind the various reports of severe human rights abuses by the government.

Too late, they knew that it was all too true......

Jane had resisted the first advances of Sgt. Kalzinal in her first hours of captivity.  And had paid the painful price.

Now she meekly complied when she was escorted to his small, hot and humid office each morning.  First there would be the savage strapping, then the long hour of rough, brutal fucking...

Menavava was the prison warden and immediately set about to let this group of troublemakers know their proper place and duty within her institution.  This was not the West.  No coddling here; these young bitches would do what they were told - without hesitation. Anything and everything.  She had given her female guards absolute right of ownership over these little pale, foreign bitches...

Nothing better to spice up a late afternoon guards' party than bringing in a few of those exotic foreign creatures to provide a bit of entertainment.....

"Hurry, western cunts!  It's getting late and you have to get this wood back to the prison.  The warden will be extremely upset if there isn't enough to keep her fireplace going all night!  I hope that I don't have to another of you against the tree to join your lazy friend.  She's gong to lose most of the skin of her back for her lack of dedication."

The approach of the evening hours always signaled a heightening of activity in the prison.  The guards were used to the nightly orgies and mild torture parties.  And the addition of this new group of outsiders made it even more fun....

The British prisoner, Fannie, was chosen randomly from her peers to be inserted in the "ripener", a age-old method of torture and discipline throughout Central Asia.  The steel bell-shaped device gradually brought on cramping throughout the body - and that was just the beginning.... - but the jailers didn't want to kill or permanently cripple Fannie; they would amuse themselves with merely keeping her confined in the ripener overnight, each night for a week.

After the ordeals, Fannie crawled to her jailers, begging to become their whore, willing to do anything if only they would not place her in the device again....

Posted 07/20/2003

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to be continued

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