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About File ScavengerT 2.0


About File ScavengerT 2.0:

File ScavengerT is the most comprehensive, award-winning file undelete and data recovery utility for NTFS volumes on Windows XP®, Windows 2000® or Windows NT®. File Scavenger can recover files accidentally deleted, including files removed from the Recycle Bin, in a DOS window, from a network drive, from Windows Explorer with the SHIFT key held down, provided that recovery is attempted before the files are permanently overwritten by new 21421g614v data. File ScavengerT supports both basic and dynamic disks, NTFS compression, alternate data streams, sparse files, Unicode filenames, etc. Except in severe cases, both the file and the folder path leading to the file can be recovered. English and German versions are available. (However, sales and technical support are available only in English.)

With File ScavengerT 2.0, files can be recovered from reformatted or corrupted volumes.  This is even possible when a volume has been deleted and its original position and size are unknown.  Using the unique "Defunct Volume Search" mode, File ScavengerT can scan an entire physical hard drive to look for traces of defunct volumes.  Also in this mode, files can be recovered from broken striped volumes (i.e. RAID 0 or RAID 5) provided that the component physical drives are still accessible individually.  (For striped sets with parity or RAID 5, one drive can be missing.)

File ScavengerT has advanced algorithms to transparently handle disks with many bad sectors and badly corrupted partitions.  The software can be installed on a hard drive or run from a floppy disk.  To run File ScavengerT, you must log on as a system administrator to the computer with the data to be recovered.


Files can only be restored if the disk areas allocated to the files have not been overwritten by new 21421g614v data. When a file is restored, it is not guaranteed that the content of the recovered file is the same as the original. It is your responsibility to validate the integrity of the data prior to using them.

Important Notice:

The determining factor of successful recovery is that the volume (i.e. a drive letter such as C:, D:, E:, etc., also referred to as a "drive" or "partition") where the deleted data resided has not been modified. When modifications are made to the volume, the deleted data may be permanently overwritten because the disk clusters they occupied may be reallocated. Common scenarios when this may occur are:

  • New files are created on the volume.
  • Existing files are expanded.
  • New software (including File Scavenger) is installed on the volume.
  • If the volume contains a network share, network users may unknowingly modify the volume when accessing shared files.
  • Applications running on the computer may update the volume.
  • If the volume is the system volume, Windows may modify the volume for internal housekeeping tasks.
  • If the volume contains the Internet Explorer cache, it may be modified when IE is started
  • If the volume contains the "TEMP" directory, it may be modified by installation software.

The safest way we recommend to recover files is as follows:

  • First, stop any activities that may write to the volume to be recovered. Watch out for:
    • Network users accessing shares on the volume.
    • Applications on the local computer.
    • The Windows operating system if the volume contains the system folder or the page file. In this case you may have to shutdown the computer, remove the drive and install it on another computer for recovery.
  • Download the floppy version of File Scavenger onto a second computer.
  • Extract and copy the executables onto a floppy disk.
  • Insert the floppy disk to the computer with the volume to be recovered. Run File Scavenger from the floppy drive. (Click Start, Run and type "a:\filescav.exe".)
  • Once any files have been found by File Scavenger, restore them to a different volume. (Recovering files to the same volume may cause deleted data to be overwritten and unrecoverable.)

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