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AA Anti-Aircraft

AAA Anti-Aircraft Artillery

AABNCP Advanced Airborne Command Post

AAC Anti-Aircraft Common

AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle

AAWS-M Advanced Antitank Weapon System--Medium

ABS Amphibious Bridging System

ACV Armored Command Vehicle

AD Air Defense

ADAM Area Denial Artillery/Antipersonnel Munition

ADATS Air Defense Anti-Tank System

ADCAP Advanced Capability

ADF Air Defense Fighter (F-16A variant)

ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation

ADSM Air Defense Suppression Missile

ADV Air Defense Variant (British Tornado variant)

AEW Airborne Early Warning

AEW&C Airborne Early Warning & Control

AFARV Armored, Forward-Area, Rearm Vehicle

AFAS Advanced Field Artillery System

AFS Auxiliary Fleet Support

AFSK Audio Frequency Shift Keying

AHI Anti-Helicopter Mine

ALARM Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile (UK)

ALCM Air Launched Cruise Missile

ALSV Armored Logistics Support Vehicle

ALWP Advance Light Weight

AM Amplitude Modulation

AMC Armored Mortar Carrier

AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile

AMV Armored Maintenance Vehicle

AO Auxiliary Oiler

AOL Auxiliary Oiler, Light

AOT Auxiliary Oiler, Transport

AP Armor Piercing

APC Armored Personnel Carrier

APERS Antipersonnel

API Armor Piercing Incendiary

APV Armored Patrol Vehicle

ARL Airborne Reconnaissance--Low

ARM Antiradiation Missile

ARM-D Antiradiation Missile Decoy

ARV Armored Recovery Vehicle

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASM Air-to-Surface Missile

ASMP French "Air-Sol Moyenne Portee;" Air-to-surface medium-range missile

ASROC Anti-Submarine Rocket

ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare

AT Anti-Tank

ATAM Air-To-Air Mistral missile

ATBM Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile

ATGW Anti-Tank Guided Weapon

ATTV All-Terrain Tow Vehicle

AVLB Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge

AVRE Armored Vehicle, Royal Engineers

AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System

BAT Brilliant Anti-Tank guided submunition (US)

BB Base Bleed

BD Base Detonation

BETAB Russian "betonoboynaya aviatsionaya bomba," or concrete-piercing aircraft bomb

BZ Benactyzine, Chemical warfare incapacitating agent

C2 Command and Control

CAT Combined Arms Team

CAV Composite Armored Vehicle

CAWS Close Assault Weapon System

CBU Cluster Bomb Unit

CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee

CFV Cavalry Fighting Vehicle

CITV Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer

CUCV Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle

CVCC Combat Vehicle Command and Control

CVSD Continuously Variable Slope Delta (modulation)

CVT Continuous Variable Time

CW Continuous Wave

DAACM Direct Airfield Attack Combined Munition

DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation

DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program

DP Dual-Purpose

DRA Dead Reckoning Algorithm

DRM Dead Reckoning Model

DRS Data Relay Satellite

DS Discarding Sabot

DSB Double Sideband

DSCS Defense Satellite Communication System

DSP Defense Support Program

DU Depleted Uranium

ECM Electronic Countermeasures

ECR Electronic Combat/Countermeasures & Reconnaissance (Tornado variant)

EFM Enhanced Fighter Maneuverability

EFVS Electronic Fighting Vehicle System

ELINT Electronic Intelligence

ERAM Extended Range Anti-armor Munition

ERINT Extended Range Interceptor

ERS European Remote sensing Satellite

EW Electronic Warfare

E2I Endo-Exoatmospheric Interceptor

FAASV Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle

FAMV Forward Area Multi-purpose Vehicle

FAV Fast Attack Vehicle

FDC Fire Direction Center

FIST-V Fire Support Team Vehicle

FM Frequency Modulation

FMTV Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles

FOG-M Fiber Optic Guided Missile

FOMP Fiber Optic Mortar Projectile

FS Fin Stabilized

FSK Frequency Shift Keying

GB Sarin, chemical warfare nerve agent

GD Soman, chemical warfare nerve agent

GLCM Ground Launched Cruise Missile

GLH:H Ground Launched Hellfire: Heavy

GP General Purpose

GPS Global Positioning System; Gunner's Primary Sight

GTI German Tank Improvement

HARM High-Speed Antiradiation Missile

HC Hexachloroethane Zinc

HE High Explosive

HEAT High Explosive Anti-Tank

HE-I High Explosive-Incendiary

HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck

HEP High Explosive Plastic

HERA High Explosive Rocket Assisted

HET Heavy Equipment Transporter

HIMAD High-to-Medium Altitude Air Defense

HL Mustard-Lewisite mixture, chemical warfare blister agent

HMMWV High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle

HOT High subsonic Optically Teleguided; French ATGM family

HQ Headquarters

HST Hypersonic Transport (German program)

HVAP High Velocity Armor Piercing

HVM High Velocity Missile

ICM Improved Conventional Munition

IDS Interdiction/Strike (Tornado ground-attack variant)

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IR Infrared

ISB Independent Sideband

IST Institute for Simulation and Training

ITOW Improved TOW

ITV Improved TOW Vehicle

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization

JSTARS Joint Surveillance & Target Attack Radar System

KE Kinetic Energy

LAV Light Armored Vehicle

LAW Light Antitank Weapon

LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized/Medium

LCT Landing Craft, Tank

LCU Landing Craft, Utility

LCV Lightweight Combat Vehicle

LGB Laser-Guided Bomb

LMTV Light Medium Tactical Vehicle

LOSAT Line-of-Sight Anti-Tank

LRRSC.......Long-Range Recovery and Support Craft

LSB Lower Sideband

LSV Light Strike Vehicle

LVT Landing Vehicle, Tracked

LVTC LVT, Command

LVTE LVT, Engineer

LVTH LVT, Howitzer

LVTR LVT, Recovery

MBT Main Battle Tank

MCM Mine Countermeasures

MCT Medium Combat Truck

MG Machine Gun

MHC Material Handling Crane

MICLIC Mine-Clearing Charge

MIL STD Military Standard

MLMS Multipurpose Lightweight Missile System

MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System

MP Multi-Purpose

MPIM Multipurpose Individual Munition

MPS Maritime Prepositioning Ship

MRCA Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

MTV Medium Tactical Vehicle

NASP National Aerospace Plane

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBC Nuclear/Biological/Chemical

NLS National Launch System

N/A Not Applicable

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PD Point Detonation

PDM Pursuit Deterrent Munition

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PM Phase Modulation

POET Primed Oscillator Expendable Transporter (US RF decoy)

PRI Pulse Repetition Interval

RA Rocket Assisted

RAAM Rifle-launcher Anti-Armor Munition

RAG Ring Airfoil Grenade

RAM Rolling Airframe Missile

RAMP-V Rapid Multi-Purpose Vehicle

RAP Rocket-Assisted Projectile

RDF/LT Rapid Deployment Force Light Tank

RF Radio Frequency

RMP Reprogrammable Microprocessor (Stinger variant)

RN Royal Navy

RNXS Royal Naval Auxiliary Service

RTCST Rough Terrain Container Straddle Truck

RTTL Range Target Towing Launch (RAF)

SAM Surface-to-Air Missile

SAMP French "Systeme sol-Air Moyenne Portee" (Surface to Air Missile Platform, new

SAM system under development)

SAMP French "Societe des Ateliers Mecaniques de Pont-sur-Sambre," Bomb


SAP Semi-Armor Piercing

SAR Search and Rescue

SAW Squad Automatic Weapon

SD Self-Destruct

SDS Satellite/Space Defense System

SFW Sensor Fused Weapon

SEALS Sea/Air/Land (USN special forces)

SH Squash Head

SIGINT Signal Intelligence

SIMNET Simulation Networking

SINCGARS Single Channel Ground-Air Radio System

SLAM Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition

SLAM Standoff Land Attack Missile (modified Harpoon)

SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile

SMAW Shoulder-launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon (US)

SNA Soviet Naval Air

SP Self-Propelled

SPAS Shuttle Pallet Satellite (German)

SRAM Short Range Attack Missile

SSB Single Sideband

SSBS French "Sol-Sol Balistique Stratigique," strategic surface-to-surface ballistic


SUBROC Submarine Rocket

SUSV Small Unit Support Vehicle

SURTASS Surveillance Towed Array Sonar System

SWAARM Smart Weapon Anti-Armor (UK guided submunition)

SWATH Small Water-plane Area Twin Hull

-T Tracer (ammunition)

TACAMO Take Charge And Move Out

TAD Trailing Arm Drive

TARG Telescoped Ammunition Revolver Gun

TASM Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile

TBD To Be Determined

TCD Landing Ship, Dock

TDRSS Tactical Data Relay Satellite System

THAAD Theater High-Altitude Area Defense

TLAM Tomahawk Land Attack Missile

TLB Trailer Launched Bridge

TOW Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided (missile)

TUTT.......Twin Unit Tractor Tugs

UK or U.K. United Kingdom

US or U.S. United States

USB Upper Sideband

VLF Very Low Frequency

VRRTFLT Variable Reach Rough Terrain Forklift Truck

VSB Vestigial Sideband

VT Variable Time

WAM Wide Area Mine

WP White Phosphorus

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