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America Online 9 Installation Documentation


America Online 9 Installation Documentation

Version 1.08

"Globally deliver consistent and efficient support while simultaneously advocating the success and satisfaction of Member Services"

Final for Acceptance by IC Call Center Operations

Document Owner:

Andrew W. Kruta A+, CNA, MCP, MCSA, Network+, RHCE

Technical Support Engineer

Desktop Engineering

The material contained therein is the sole property of America Online, Inc. and its subsidiaries. No part may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of America Online, its employees, officers, and legal representatives.

Table of Contents

NOTE: Click on your specific Installatio 16516h74q n type to go directly to instructions tailored for your site.

Pilot Rollout

Site Rollout

Full Rollout

Pilot Rollout

Table of Contents

Part 1: Dependencies

SU Service and Password file for Win2k/WinXP environment



Windows Installer v1.1 or higher

Part 2: Document Review / Reporting

Throughout the course of this rollout, it is the responsibility of the person performing said rollout to read this document in advance and report any discrepancies or questions to the Desktop Engineering team. Desktop Engineering will address each of the concerns and issue a new document at their discretion.

Part 3: Software Requirements

A.          Determining Build Numbers - The installation package that this document is included in has a specific naming convention. The naming convention consists of: AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>

The <MAJVER> refers to the major version, and the <MAJREV> refers to the major revision. These two items will be referenced throughout this document. Be sure to replace the actual numbers for the build that you're working with when they are referenced.

B.           Kixtart Scripts - Copy the .WSF, .VBS and .INI files included in "AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>_pkg.Zip" to the Kix folder on the Snap Master. This should be in the following location:


The QUEUEUPD.KIX Script should be located in the Kix folder as well. If there is not a QUEUEUPD.KIX Script in this folder, contact the Desktop Support Engineering group immediately.

C.           Files - Copy the "AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>" folder to the Snap Mirror Master. The location will be \\<SNAPMASTER>\apps\deploy\installs

D.          Shortcuts - Copy the contents of the "shortcuts" folder contained in the installation package to the CCMenu folder contained on the <SNAPMASTER>\apps\system folder.


\\<SNAPMASTER>\apps\system\CCmenu \CCC2\Start Menu\Pilot Test

E.           GPO - Add the following security setting to the file system settings in the CC-CallFloor and CC-Leaders GPO:


Part 4: Installation

A.          Kix Script Installation If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing QUEUEUPD.KIX Script in the same area as the other listed applications.

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>.wsf //nologo"

i.             Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine.

Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




Part 5: UN-Installation

A.          Kix Script Un-Installation - If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing QUEUEUPD.KIX in the same area as the other listed applications.

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>_un.wsf //nologo"

ii.           Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>_un.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine. Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




NOTE: For a rollback, be sure to comment out the line for the regular rollout or the machines will continually install / uninstall.

Site Rollout

Table of Contents

Part 1: Dependencies

Pilot Rollout


NOTE: based on the queue type that this installation is being rolled out to, the script name will vary. The following is a list of known <UPDCHECK>s as of the writing of this document:

UPDCHECK2.kix (Call Floor deployments at startup)




The name of this script will be referred to as "<UPDCHECK>" throughout the rest of this section.

Part 2: Document Review / Reporting

Throughout the course of this rollout, it is the responsibility of the person performing said rollout to read this document in advance and report any discrepancies or questions to the Desktop Engineering team. Desktop Engineering will address each of the concerns and issue a new document at their discretion.

Part 3: Software Requirements

A.          Determining Build Numbers - The installation package that this document is included in has a specific naming convention. The naming convention consists of: AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>

The <MAJVER> refers to the major version, and the <MAJREV> refers to the major revision. These two items will be referenced throughout this section. Be sure to replace the actual numbers for the build that you're working with when they are referenced.

B.          Shortcuts - Copy the contents of the "shortcuts" folder contained in the installation package to the CCMenu folder contained on the <SNAPMASTER>\apps\system folder.


\\<SNAPMASTER>\apps\system\CCmenu \CCC2\<SITE>\Call Center Tools

C.          GPO - Add the following security setting to the file system settings in the CC-CallFloor and CC-Leaders GPO:


Part 4: Installation

A.          Kix Script Installation If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing <UPDCHECK> Script in the <SITE> section of the script:

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>.wsf //nologo"

i.         Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine.

Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




Part 5: UN-Installation

A.          Kix Script Un-Installation - If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing QUEUEUPD.KIX in the same area as the other listed applications.

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>_un.wsf //nologo"

B.          Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>_un.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine. Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




NOTE: For a single site rollback, be sure to un-entitle the regular rollout or the machines will continually install / uninstall. This is done by setting the machine type to "0".

Full Rollout

Table of Contents

Part 1: Dependencies

Pilot Rollout


NOTE: based on the queue type that this installation is being rolled out to, the script name will vary. The following is a list of known <UPDCHECK>s as of the writing of this document:

UPDCHECK2.kix (Call Floor deployments at startup)




The name of this script will be referred to as "<UPDCHECK>" throughout the rest of this section.

Part 2: Document Review / Reporting

Throughout the course of this rollout, it is the responsibility of the person performing said rollout to read this document in advance and report any discrepancies or questions to the Desktop Engineering team. Desktop Engineering will address each of the concerns and issue a new document at their discretion.

Part 3: Software Requirements

A.          Determining Build Numbers - The installation package that this document is included in has a specific naming convention. The naming convention consists of: AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>

The <MAJVER> refers to the major version, and the <MAJREV> refers to the major revision. These two items will be referenced throughout this section. Be sure to replace the actual numbers for the build that you're working with when they are referenced.

B.          Shortcuts - Copy the contents of the "shortcuts" folder contained in the installation package to the CCMenu folder contained on the <SNAPMASTER>\apps\system folder.


\\<SNAPMASTER>\apps\system\CCmenu \CCC2\Start Menu\Call Center Tools

C.      GPO - Verity the following security setting to the file system settings in the CC-CallFloor and CC-Leaders GPO:


Part 4: Installation

A.          Kix Script Installation If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing QUEUEUPD.KIX Script in the same area as the other listed applications.

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>.wsf //nologo"

i.             Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine.

Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




NOTE: In order to roll to a full site, the project manager will determine which pieces of the site that will be applicable. Be sure not to assume that it's just the Call Floor.

B.          Site Deployment Removal - Since the application will now be rolled to the entire site, locate the installation line for each of the sites and comment it out.

Part 5: UN-Installation

A.      Kix Script Un-Installation - If the following line doesn't already exist, insert it into your existing QUEUEUPD.KIX in the same area as the other listed applications.

Shell "cscript.exe %windir%\temp\AOL9.<MAJVER>.<MAJREV>_un.wsf //nologo"

B.      Entitlement - Each site must be entitled to run the script by placing an entry in the AOL9<MAJVER><MAJREV>_un.ini file. The section is the "SITEID" and the entry is the type of machine. Example for a call floor machine in Jacksonville:




NOTE: For a full rollback, be sure to comment out the installation line or the application will continually install / uninstall at startup time.

Document Info

Accesari: 1197
Apreciat: hand-up

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