Project Files and Concurrent Design
Autodesk Inventor is very flexible in its ability to handle the needs of the small shop with individual users designing entire products, to large customers with 20 person teams working in a concurrent design environment.
No one likes to read a User's Manual. You certainly don't want to have to read one before you test drive a new car and you shouldn't have to. Nevertheless, if you want to optimize the longevity of that new vehicle and minimize your maintenance costs, it might be a good thing to get acquainted before you log too many miles. Project Files and file management in Autodesk Inventor - is a little like that. You don't need to know about it to use Autodesk Inventor for the first time, but users often remark after getting some education on this subject, "That should have been the first thing you taught me!"
How do projects benefit the user?
How does Autodesk Inventor search for files?
The File Open and Save Dialog boxes
Autodesk Inventor's Multi-User environment
Autodesk Inventor Check-in/Check-out
Autodesk Inventor Content Library
Case 2: Single user with libraries
Case 4: Multi-user in semi-isolated mode
Case 5: Single-user in semi-isolated mode
Autodesk Inventor uses projects as a means of identifying and structuring the valid locations where files composing a product design are stored. When Autodesk Inventor searches for a file, it looks in the locations defined by the "Active Project." Project files are very flexible and can address the simple needs of a single user working on a small assembly, and large multi-user teams working on assemblies composed of thousands of parts.
When Autodesk Inventor is first installed, it contains three projects. The first is the Default project, which allows a user to create simple assemblies of parts with no setup required. The second project is Samples, and allows easy access to all the sample files delivered with Autodesk Inventor. Lastly, the Tutorials project is used to teach the basic design workflows of Autodesk Inventor.
Projects allow products designed in Autodesk Inventor to be largely independent of the file system. This independence makes the set of files defining a project more portable, easier to archive, and easier to restructure their layout within the network as the design grows. Often when a design starts, it is easily contained in a single directory, but as it grows and more designers become involved, it may spread out across multiple directories, disks, and servers.
Another benefit of Projects is that it provides a common framework for a design team. Each member of the design team references a common project thereby providing a shared view of the design from a file management perspective, and ensuring that key Autodesk Inventor setting are common for all users working on the design.
The Active Project defines how Autodesk Inventor searches for a file that is referenced by another file. How this is done is critically important to the smooth functioning of Autodesk Inventor since a product design is composed of a large number of files that contain references to one another.
In Autodesk Inventor, each part and assembly is contained in a separate file. A subassembly is defined by storing references to the parts and subassemblies that it contains. New parts can be "derived" from other parts using file references. Lastly, drawings reference the file that they are documenting. So, if a product design is composed of 1,000 parts, 100 subassemblies, and 1,100 drawings, there are at least 2,200 Autodesk Inventor files that reference one another. |
The files composing a product design can be stored virtually anywhere on the network. So how does Autodesk Inventor know where to find a file referenced by another file?
Historically, this has been done by the parent file storing an "absolute path" to each file it referenced. This is a very inflexible system. If a file is moved, files that reference it do not find it and the user has to intervene. Even then, the part file has to be edited to store the new location. This can be a problem if the file represented a released file or a file that is read-only.
Autodesk Inventor takes a different approach where a minimum set of information is stored, most notably the name of the file. To find the file, Autodesk Inventor searches in the file storage locations defined by the active project. Using this approach, a file can often be moved to a different location within the project and Autodesk Inventor still finds it without user intervention.
When Autodesk Inventor needs to find a file, it searches for it using the Active Project. The project defines options that control Autodesk Inventor file management functionality and may contain storage locations defining where Autodesk Inventor should search for files. With the exception of Libraries, Autodesk Inventor searches storage locations in the order they are defined within the project file. A project file can define two fundamentally different types of storage locations: Editable Project Locations and Libraries. The editable project locations are further subdivided into three categories: Workspace, Local Search Paths, and Workgroup Search Paths. When the different types of storage locations should be used is discussed later in this document.
This is a sample of a complex project file using features not required by many users, but illustrates how Autodesk Inventor searches for referenced files. |
A file reference stored within an Autodesk Inventor file can be in one of two forms: Library and non-Library.
Most assemblies contain a significant number of what Autodesk Inventor refers to as Library parts. Library parts are read-only parts that cannot be edited. Often parts contained in libraries are shared by multiple projects; that is to say, they are used in the design of multiple products. Most commonly, libraries contain standard hardware such as fasteners or purchased parts such as motors or hydraulic cylinders. In the case of very large assemblies worked on by multiple design groups (structural, electrical, hydraulics), a library may contain the baseline work of another design group.
Autodesk Inventor makes use of the properties of library documents to enhance performance. When an Autodesk Inventor file references a library document, it stores:
Storage locations that are not defined as libraries contain files that the user edits during the design process. It is often the case that as the design matures; the files are moved either to different storage locations, or to subfolders of the current location.
When an Autodesk Inventor file references a document not contained in a library, it stores:
A project file defines storage locations where Autodesk Inventor looks for a file when it is referenced from another file. Without any supporting information, Autodesk Inventor only looks in the folder defined by the storage location; it does not look in any of the subfolders. Sometimes it is convenient to create a structure of subfolders within a storage location to classify design files in various ways.
When this is done, how does Autodesk Inventor know to look in the subfolder? 12412d311m
When a part is placed into an assembly, Autodesk Inventor performs a process called "back resolution." At the time the part is placed into the assembly, Autodesk Inventor knows exactly where it is located even though this "absolute path" is not stored in the assembly. Using back resolution, Autodesk Inventor finds the corresponding storage location, and determines the "subfolder location" relative to the storage location. |
As an example, let's say that the user places the part DIN1587.ipt into an assembly using the Project File information shown in the previous figure.
Autodesk Inventor knows that the absolute location is: |
\\server\library1\nuts\hex\din1587.ipt |
Autodesk Inventor "back-resolves" this location and finds that the location corresponds to Library1 which has a storage location of: |
\\server\library1\ |
It then determines that it is located in a subfolder path of: |
nuts\hex\ referred to as the "subfolder path" |
The file resolution information stored in the assembly is then:
Library Name - Library1
Subfolder Location -- nuts\hex\
Why doesn't Autodesk Inventor just search the storage location and all its subfolders, and not store a "subfolder location"? Performance!
Autodesk Inventor was designed to handle assemblies of thousands of parts. If Autodesk Inventor had to search each storage location for each part, File Open performance could be impacted. By storing a subfolder location, Autodesk Inventor knows exactly where to look.
The Autodesk Inventor File Open and Save dialogs present the subfolder path graphically within the Locations explorer pane.
In this example, the project file has three library locations, one of which is called Fasteners. The Fastener library is selected. The blue folder indicates that Autodesk Inventor recognizes the Fastener library as the storage location. | |
In this example, the project file has five library locations. The Bolts and Nuts locations are subfolders of the Fastener library. Notice that the Fastener library has a blue folder even though Nuts is selected When Autodesk Inventor back-resolves the location, it matches the location of the Fastener library and quits looking before it encounters Nuts, which is a subfolder of Fasteners. From Autodesk Inventor's viewpoint, any part placed from the Nuts Library is really placed from the Fastener library with a subfolder path of "Nuts\". The only real value of the Nuts library in this case is as a convenience to the user in navigating to that section of the Fastener library. |
Perhaps the most important part of the search process is what Autodesk Inventor does if it does not find the file in any of the libraries or search paths. This is the situation when the Default project is used. In this situation, Autodesk Inventor looks in the location containing the parent file. If Autodesk Inventor still does not find the file, it then asks the user where it is located.
It may seem odd that Autodesk Inventor tries to look where the parent file is located if it is not found in the library. This is done to enhance portability of Autodesk Inventor data sets. By always looking in the location containing the parent file, it is always possible to gather up all the files defining a design and put them in a single location. When this is done, Autodesk Inventor is able to find all the files. This ability allows an Autodesk Inventor data set to be easily mailed to a subcontractor or archived for historical value or legal requirements. It is important to note that duplicate file names must be avoided, or a document will be overwritten. In general, it is a good rule to avoid having different documents with the same file name.
A Library Reference When Autodesk Inventor searches for a document, it first looks at the information describing the reference to see if it is a library document. This is achieved by looking to see if a Library Name is present. If a Library Name is present, Autodesk Inventor looks up the name in the Active Project to find the corresponding storage location. |
The Autodesk Inventor search for the file takes the following steps:
A Non-Library Reference When Autodesk Inventor searches for a file, it first looks at the information describing the reference to get the file name, and if present the subfolder location. Based on the active project, Autodesk Inventor searches the storage locations defined in the order they are listed. |
Autodesk Inventor searches for the file in each storage location in the order they are listed. The search of a storage location is a two-step process:
When Autodesk Inventor cannot find a file using the active project, it presents the Resolve Link dialog box. The resolve link dialog allows the user to specify the current location of the file being referenced within the Active Project. Once Autodesk Inventor can find the file, it writes new information into the file containing the reference the next time it is saved. As a result, the file will be found the next time the referencing file is opened.
There are several situations when Autodesk Inventor cannot find a file:
The Resolve Link dialog box provides information useful in diagnosing why Autodesk Inventor can't find the file.
Depending on the reasons that Autodesk Inventor can't find the file, you can take different corrective actions.
It is often the case that the reason Autodesk Inventor can't find one file is the same reason it can't find an entire set of files. For example, if the name of a library was changed, none of the files placed from that library will be found.
Obviously, it would be a tedious process to have to specify the location of each file that could not be found when they all can't be found for the same reason. To address this problem, Autodesk Inventor provides what is called a "substitution rule." When you browse to a new location, Autodesk Inventor automatically creates a simple substitution rule that allows it to find other files that could not be found for exactly the same reason.
Using the More button (>>) on the Resolve Link dialog box, you can see the substitution rule that Autodesk Inventor automatically creates. Depending on the situation, you may be able to edit the substitution rule (usually by deleting some tail portion of the paths) to further reduce the number of times Autodesk Inventor asks where to find a file. Take the following example where the user desires to change the name of folder ABC to DEF.
After changing the name of the directory and opening assembly A.iam, the file resolution dialog appears asking for the location of 1.ipt. After browsing to 1.ipt, the dialog would be filled in as follows:
The automatically generated substitution rule represents the change in subfolder path. If the Open button were selected, the dialog would appear for part 2.ipt and for each of the other parts. However, what is different for each part's subfolder path is that ABC changed to DEF. If you edit the path as follows, all the parts will be found.
Autodesk Inventor provides a Project Editor that can be used to edit existing projects and create new projects. The Project Editor is available both outside Autodesk Inventor and from within Autodesk Inventor. Activate the Project Editor from within Autodesk Inventor by selecting File>Projects from the menu. Outside Autodesk Inventor, use the Microsoft Windows Start menu to select Programs>Autodesk Inventor <version> >Tools>Project Editor. When using the Project Editor, it is important to note that the active project cannot be edited while files are open in Autodesk Inventor. If you need to edit the active project or change which project is active, close all open Autodesk Inventor files.
A project defines where Autodesk Inventor looks to find your files when other files reference them. You can create as many projects as you need to suit your working environment. Some users find the default project that comes with Autodesk Inventor is suitable for all their needs. Others users may decide to create a project for each design that they work on.
The New button invokes a project creation wizard. It is important to note than many of the defaulted values of the wizard are based on the project file that is selected in the project editor when the command is invoked.
Step 1
The first page of the wizard asks what type of project is to be created: Personal Workspace or New Project.
If you are not using Autodesk Inventor's Multi-User functionality (covered later in this document) to implement a "semi-isolated" workflow, then you always want to choose New Project. If you are working within a Multi-User environment using a semi-isolated workflow, which option you choose is based on the following question:
Are you adding a user to an existing design project, or creating a new design project for people to share? If you are adding a user to an existing Semi-Isolated design project, select the Personal Workspace option; otherwise, select the New Project option.
Step 2
The next step (for both types) is to provide the basic required information.
This is the name that is shown in the Project List when choosing which project to make active.
This is the location where the Project File (.ipj file) is stored. The Project File defines all aspects of the project including Search Paths and Libraries. It is good practice to co-locate the project file with the files it is to manage with the possible exclusion of the libraries.
Note: Ideally, project search locations should be in subfolders of the folder containing the Project File. If you decide to create a new project file for an existing design folder, it would be best to move all of the files to a workgroup subfolder that the Project Editor (by default) creates for you.
Location of New or Existing Files
This is typically the location of Workgroup1 as denoted in the preceding figure. While there may be several search paths, most situations only call for a single search path so the option to specify it up front is provided. You can leave this field blank and define your search paths at a later step in the process.
Step 3
The final step is to specify any libraries. While you may specify libraries after completing the wizard, it is often the case that a new project uses the same libraries as existing projects. The wizard makes it easy to reuse these library definitions. The libraries in the left pane are a combined collection from all the project files you have identified in the project editor. Those in the right pane are identical to the libraries in the project that was selected when you initiated the wizard through the "New" command.
There are many situations when you would want to edit a project. You may need to add new search path locations, edit the location of existing paths, or edit a newly created project. Most Project Editor functions are available from the context menu.
The order of search paths in the Project File impacts how Autodesk Inventor searches for files. Conceptually, it searches in the order they are listed. To change the order of the search paths, select a search path and use the Up and Down buttons on the toolbar. |
The Project File allows the specification of options that should be adhered to by all users of the project.
Multi User - Sets the Autodesk Inventor's mode of operation. There are three settings: Off, Shared, and Semi-isolated Old Versions - Each time a file is saved, the previous version of the file is stored in a subfolder called OldVersions. This option controls the number of old versions that are kept. |
Consider the following tips and guidelines for creating projects.
Note: When creating search paths that are subfolders of other search paths it is critically important that the subfolders be listed first in the project file.
This is OK Workspace = c:\my design\workspace Workgroup1 = c:\my design\abc |
This is NOT ok Workspace = c:\my design\workspace Workgroup1 = c:\my design\workspace\abs |
The Projects dialog box displays a list of all Autodesk Inventor projects you have created through New or browsed to using Browse. Given that each file defining a project is usually stored with the data set it controls, how does Autodesk Inventor know how to construct the list of Projects?
Autodesk Inventor constructs the list by looking for shortcuts to the project files, which are stored in the Projects Folder as defined in the Files tab of the Autodesk Inventor Options dialog box.
The Autodesk Inventor Save and Open dialog boxes make it easy for the user to select files located within the active project. The Locations explorer of the dialog box lists the Workspace, Search Path, and Library locations defined by the Active Project. |
Autodesk Inventor is installed with a Default project. The Default project is all that many users require to effectively use Autodesk Inventor. This is especially true in a single user environment, or multi-user environment where design data is segregated and there is no fear of users editing each other's files. Following are some scenarios where the Default project may provide sufficient file management flexibility.
There are multiple design projects, but each design is a self-contained set of files that can be co-located in a single folder. There is no sharing of data between the designs through file references. When there is a need to share data, the design files are copied.
In this situation, the Default project delivered with Autodesk Inventor is sufficient. There is no need to define any search paths or libraries. When Autodesk Inventor needs to find a referenced file, it can always find it co-located with the referencing file, or in a subfolder of where the referencing file is located.
There are multiple design projects where each project is a self-contained set of files with the exception of standard hardware, purchased items, or previously released data, which will not be edited.
This is a case were Libraries can be employed to define the locations where the shared content will be stored. Why not use Search Paths? Libraries are better suited for several reasons:
There are two good ways to approach this problem. The first is to edit the Default project supplied with Autodesk Inventor by adding Libraries to it. (You may need to change the file property from Read-Only, first.) Autodesk Inventor only allows libraries to be added to the Default project; no workgroups or local search paths can be added. The second approach is to create a new project and add the required libraries. There is essentially no difference between the two approaches.
Each time Autodesk Inventor saves a file, it creates a new file and moves the existing file into a folder called OldVersions. Each location where Autodesk Inventor files are stored will have an OldVersions directory if any of the files have been edited and saved.
The previous versions of an Autodesk Inventor file have a very specific naming convention. <user name>.<version>.<file type> |
Autodesk Inventor creates versions for two reasons. First, it is an essential component to the functioning of Autodesk Inventors Multi-User environment. Second, it provides the ability for a user to retrieve a previous copy of a file. It is very important to note that Autodesk Inventor provides versions on a per file basis. As a result, a user can restore an old version of an assembly file, but there is no automated way to restore the state of an assembly including the edits to all the various parts.
When it is required to restore an old version, there may be a temptation to move the file and rename it using the Microsoft Windows Explorer. Doing so can have a variety of undesirable side effects. Restoring an old version should be accomplished by asking Autodesk Inventor to restore the file. Using the File Open command, select the file you want to restore from the OldVersions directory. Autodesk Inventor then displays the following dialog box.
Autodesk Inventor provides three options for proceeding:
Open that old version of the file. Since the current file still exists, you cannot save, but you can save a copy.
Make the selected old version the current version. It is important to note that the current version is not lost, as it now becomes a file in the OldVersions folder.
There are times when it may be an accident that an old version was opened. The "open current version" option opens the current version of the file.
Autodesk Inventor does not provide a PDM system, but it does provide tools that enable design teams to work productively in a multi-user environment. The Autodesk Inventor file management facility provides the following important capabilities:
Concurrent design - Allows users to work in the context of the same assembly, while avoiding conflicts when editing.
Collision avoidance - In a multi-user design environment where only one user can edit a document at a time, it is essential that users do not overwrite each others' edit, but at the same time can work in the context of the same assembly.
Personal Workspace - A user can spend days working on a change, only to decide to take a different design approach, or even decide the design was perfect the way it was. In such an environment, a designer only wants others to see changes they decide are ready for the design team to see.
Refreshing the user's design session to see changes made by others.
Autodesk Inventor provides a solution of these needs through its Multi-User environment which can operate in two different modes, Shared and Semi-Isolated. The Multi-User option is defined by the Active Project and can be edited through the Project Editor. |
The two modes of operation offer different advantages. Shared mode provides for collision avoidance, but does not isolate each user from the in-work changes of others. Some customers find that this is not a serious limitation in their environment and that the Shared mode of operation is easier to administrate.
Advantage |
Off |
Shared |
Semi-Isolated |
Collision Avoidance | |||
Personal Workspace |
The Semi-Isolated mode of operation provides many of the most sought after benefits of a PDM system.
Advantage |
Semi-Isolated |
PDM System |
Collision Avoidance | ||
Personal Workspace | ||
Copied data limited to in-work changes |
Depends on system |
Security | ||
Workflow and Signoff |
Configuration Management | ||
Automated Backup and Restore |
In Shared mode, each user works directly off a common data
set. Documents are edited on, and
referenced from, the central server(s). In this example, Gary, Christian, and Paul have all opened the top-level
assembly A. However, only
Working in this mode implies: Each user is accessing all files over the network; there are no local copies. A common Project file defines Workgroup Search Paths and Libraries. The Project File does not define a workspace. |
When working in Shared mode, it is most common to have a single project file for each product design under development. A typical project file setup is:
Included File |
Not Defined |
Workspace |
Not Defined |
Local Search Paths |
Not Defined |
Workgroup Search Paths |
One or more storage locations defined. Each storage location should have a descriptive name. |
Library Search Paths |
Zero or more storage locations defined. Each storage location should have a descriptive name. While the name can be changed, there may be administrative work required to fully implement the change. |
Options |
Multi User = Shared Old versions to keep on save = 1 (the higher the number the more disk space required) Third Party = False |
The multi-user Shared mode is mostly provided for legacy support. Prior to Autodesk Inventor 7, it was very difficult for customers to setup and manage a Semi-isolated, multi-user environment. As a result, customers tended to use multi-user in Shared mode
Customers that have been using a Shared mode of operation prior to Autodesk Inventor 7 may want to continue to use Shared mode as a stepping stone to a Semi-isolated mode of operation.
Semi-isolated mode is similar to Shared mode, except that
parts to be edited are copied to the user's local workstation. Files not copied continue to be referenced
from the central server. In this
example, Gary, Christian, and Paul have all opened the top-level assembly
Christian and Paul will not see the edits that
A common Project file defines Workgroup Search Paths and Libraries. Each user has a personal project that includes the group project file, but also defines a personal workspace. |
When working in Semi-Isolated mode, it is most common for each user to have a project file that defines only a workspace and that includes a group project file located on the server.
When the user performs a file Check Out operation, a copy of the file will be placed in the user's personal workspace. Other users will not see changes to this file because the group project file knows nothing about this location. Each user's workspace keeps a private copy of the files they are editing. |
Group Project File (shared by entire group)
Included File |
Not Defined |
Local Search Paths |
Not Defined |
Workgroup Search Paths |
One or more storage locations defined. Each storage location should have a descriptive name and a UNL based location (i.e., starts with "\\") |
Library Search Paths |
Zero or more storage locations defined. Each storage location should have a descriptive name. While the name can be changed, there may be administrative work required to fully implement the change. |
Options |
Multi User = Semi-Isolated Old versions to keep on save = 1 (the higher the number the more disk space required) Third Party = False |
Personal Project File (one for each user)
Included File |
Location of Group Project File |
Workspace |
Location where the user's private files will be stored. This should be located on their local disk for best performance and robustness. |
Workgroup Search Paths |
Not Defined |
Library Search Paths |
Not Defined |
Options |
Options will be inherited from the Group Project File |
Both the Shared and Semi-Isolated modes provide a Check-in/Check-out facility. The functioning of the facility is somewhat different in the two modes, but the function is the same. It allows users to reserve files for editing.
When Autodesk Inventor is in a Multi-User mode of operation, a File Status browser is provided. The File Status browser allows users to perform file management operations such as check-in and Check Out, as well as communicating the status of all open documents. |
To the left of each project based item in the browser is a status box. (The status box is missing if the file is in a library or outside the project altogether.) The status box can have the following values:
You checked out the file, but have not saved edits. It is possible that edits were made that have yet to be saved. |
You checked out the file and saved the changes. |
There is some discrepancy between the "Check Out" state of the file in the workgroup and the workspace. The most common reason is that a new file was created and saved to the workspace. Since the file was never checked in, it is unknown to other users. You can use the Resolve command to define the status of the file. |
The file, as you see it, is out of date relative to the most current version available. This results from someone else updating a file in the workgroup (Check-In in Semi-Isolated mode or Save in Shared mode) that you currently have open. To see the latest version, you must reopen the assembly or use the Refresh command. |
The file is checked-out by someone else and is unavailable for edit. |
You canceled the Check Out of a file that you edited and saved to your workspace. However, what you currently see is the edited file (now in the OldVersions folder in the workspace) and not the original on the server. To see the current version on the server, you must reopen the assembly or use the Refresh command. |
The File Status Browser has a toolbar that controls the presentation of content. The first three buttons define the current filter, of which only one can be selected at a time. The last button is the Refresh All command. The browser does not track in real time the moment-to-moment changes that are taking place as users check in and check out components. The Refresh All command synchronizes the status presented in the browser with the actual status of the files you have open. If the file you have open is in the workspace, the full status relative to the workgroup file is only updated when you Check-in/out, Cancel Check Out, or Resolve Check Out. |
Let's first take an example of a semi-isolated workflow where no files are checked out. The context menu for each item contains a Check Out entry, and if the selected item is an assembly, there is a Check Out Tree entry.
The Check Out command marks just the selected item as reserved and copies it from the appropriate Workgroup Search Path to the Workspace. The Check Out Tree does the same for the assembly and all dependents. | |
After the assembly is checked out, each item in the File Status browser has a check mark next to it. The black check mark indicates that you have the file checked out, but that no edits have been saved. | |
After checking out the files, the Large Cap and Shaft parts were edited (but not saved). The File Status browser indicates files that have edits that are not saved to disk by appending an asterisk symbol (*) to the end of the name. Notice that the Tuner also shows as having edits even though you did not explicitly edit Turner. Many actions that you can take will make changes to a file that you do not expect. The good news is that the Save command does not require you to save Turner, it gives you the option. |
When the Save command is invoked the Autodesk Inventor Save dialog box is presented. The dialog box lists each file that was edited either explicitly by the user or indirectly by Autodesk Inventor. For each file in the list a Checked Out status is displayed along with a Save option. By default, Autodesk Inventor assumes that you want to save all files that are checked out and were edited. If you don't want to edit one of the files, click Yes and it changes to No. If a file is not checked out but available, you can click on No and it changes to Check Out/Yes.
When you save the files, the File Status browser reflects a status of. This status indicates that the files have been edited and saved by changing the status mark from a black check mark to a green filled check mark. Note: Sometimes the status may not automatically update. To verify the status of files, use the File Status browser's Refresh command. |
A common practice is to add new files. The user might accomplish this by several methods. In all cases, the dialog boxes allow the user to specify both the name of the new file and where to save it (for example, what Project location and subfolder path).
The first part was saved to a Workgroup Search Path and the second to the Workspace. | |||
The next step is to use the Save command. Notice that one part has a status of , and the other a . The means that there is a discrepancy in the Check Out status between the file in the workspace and the corresponding file in the workgroup. The most common reason is that a new file was created and saved to the workspace. Since the file has never been checked in, it has no corresponding file in any of the workgroups and Autodesk Inventor does not know in which workgroup the user ultimately plans to store it. It is best to resolve such situations as soon as possible to ensure that another user does not create a file with the same name. | |||
The File Status browser's Resolve command can be used to investigate the details of and set the Check Out status of the file. |
When the Resolve command is used on a file of unknown status, the following dialog box is presented. The Resolve Check Out dialog box allows the user to specify which Workgroup is used to store the new file by selecting one of the Projects Workgroups from the drop-down list. After choosing the desired Workgroup, you can use the Create Check Out command to reserve a location on the server for the new part and ensure that another user does not take the filename.
After using the Resolve Check Out command, the file initially saved to the Workspace now has a status of , meaning that the file is checked out and that the file in the Workgroup is at a different current version than the one in the Workspace. In the case of workspace file that has never been checked in, the file in the workgroup is conceptually a version "0"; it has little more in it than the Check Out status information. |
In a multi-user environment, there are times when you check out a file that you are not going to edit, or you want to discard edits that were made. This does no harm unless someone else needs to edit the file, in which case you need to release the file. This is done using the Cancel Check Out command.
In this example, all the files composing the assembly were checked out. Three files were edited and saved, two files are from a library, and the rest were not edited. Using the context menu, the Check Out of the trim washer and string post are canceled. | |
Once you have canceled the Check Out, the files show as available until someone else checks the file out. If someone else does check the files out, you do not see this reflected in the browser until you Refresh the File Status browser, attempt to Check Out, Resolve status, or reopen the assembly. |
In this example, all the files composing the assembly were checked out. Four files were edited and saved, two files are from a library, and the rest were not edited. Using the context menu, the Check Out of the small cap and casting2 are canceled. After canceling the Check Out, the files have a status of . This status indicates that the assembly still reflects the edited versions of the files that were checked out to your workspace. | ||
To see the correct version of the files, the assembly Refresh command must be used. Alternatively, the assembly can be closed and reopened. Upon issuing the Refresh, the assembly and the File Status browser are updated. | ||
When you are ready to post changes back to the server for others to see, the Check In command is used. The Check In command has two forms:
The Check In command skips over all parts that were edited, but were not checked out.
The status of files in a multi-user environment can be very dynamic. The essential value of Autodesk Inventor's multi-user functionality is that it assists users to avoid editing collisions. An editing collision is when two users are editing the same file simultaneously. Without edit collision aids, it is like a game - the last person to save wins! Unfortunately, the consequences of losing design data and impacting time to market are real.
The following is a step-by-step workflow example using the multi-user environments semi-isolated mode.
There is a server, which is the central file repository. Located on the server is a Group Project File that defines all file storage locations defining the repository. Each user has a personal workstation. Located on each workstation is a Workspace Project File that "includes" the Group Project File and defines a local Workspace. All files that are checked out from the server are located in the Workspace (usually on the user's personal workstation). The contents of a user's workspace are not visible to the other users or from the Group Project file.
Step 1
We start with two users, Rob and Paul. All the files currently defining the product design are located in a workgroup search path on the server. Neither Rob nor Paul have any files checked out. One way to view this is that all files are checked in to the server, which is how the figure depicts the situation.
Step 2
Paul checks out the casting2 and shaft parts. If Rob already opened the tuner assembly, he does automatically see that Paul checked out some parts. To see the updated status, Rob uses the Refresh command on the File Status browser toolbar. Note: If Rob tried to check out either part, he would see that the parts are already checked out by another user.
Step 3
Rob checks out the large cap, small cap and button parts.
Step 4
Rob edits the small cap and button parts, which are checked out, but does not save the parts. The File Status browser indicates the edited files by placing an asterisk (*) after the file name. Notice that the tuner is shown as edited. Why? Sometimes Autodesk Inventor makes edits to parts even though the user does not explicitly make edits. In most cases, it is optional for the user to save the edits, but saving them usually makes subsequent file opening faster as an assembly update can be bypassed.
Step 5
Paul activates the shaft part in-place, and then makes some edits. When this happens, Autodesk Inventor presents the following message box:
Once again, Autodesk Inventor made some edits to the tuner, but realized that Paul does not have it checked out. Paul is informed that the edits will be made, but changes to the assembly will not saved.
Step 6
Both Rob and Paul select the Save command. The Save dialog box lists the parts that were edited, and which parts it intends to save. The following dialog box displays what Paul sees when the Save command is invoked. It lists two files that are dirty. He is not the owner of the assembly tuner.iam, so it is not saved.
Upon saving, the File Status browser indicates that the edits were saved to the workspace.
Step 7
Rob and Paul are talking over lunch, and a decision is made for Paul to take over the design of the button. Furthermore, Paul does not want the changes Rob made since checking it out. To relinquish the Check Out of the button so that Paul can check it out, Rob must perform a Cancel Check Out operation.
After performing the Cancel Check Out operation on the button, it has a status indicating that Rob canceled the Check Out of a file that he edited and saved to his workspace. The status indicates that he still sees the version with the edits, and he must either use the assembly Refresh command or close and reopen the assembly.
Step 8
Rob uses the assembly Refresh command to see the button the way it was before he made the edit that he subsequently cancelled. Rob finishes updating the large cap and small cap parts, and saves the changes. Rob is ready for Paul to see his updates, so he Checks In the large cap, small cap, and tuner assembly.
Rob sends Paul an e-mail message letting him know the changes are up on the server. To verify this, Paul uses the File Status browser's Refresh command, located on the toolbar. The three parts large cap, small cap, and tuner indicate that there is a newer version on the server than what is currently displayed in the assembly.
Step 9
Paul uses the assembly Refresh command to update the view of the assembly and the most current version of each part up on the server. However, Paul has parts that were edited, but not saved. If the Refresh command is invoked, Paul is prompted to save the edited files.
Step 10
Paul realizes that a few more parts are required. There are a couple of ways that new parts can be added. Paul uses two methods. New Part 1 is created using the assembly Create In Place command and is saved to Paul's Workspace. When trying to create the part, Paul was prompted if he wanted to Check Out the tuner assembly. New Part 2 preexists on the server and is placed into the tuner assembly.
When a part is created with the Create In Place command, by definition it has edits that need to be saved. Upon saving the file, it gets a status of Unresolved. When New Part 1 was created, it was initially saved to Paul's local workspace. There is no copy of it on the server because Paul never stated in which workgroup it will ultimately be saved, and as a result no other users know of its existence. As soon as Paul is fairly certain that he is going to keep the part in some form, the Resolve command should be used. Resolve is available from the context menu of a selected unresolved part. |
The Resolve Check Out command allows Paul to specify where the file will be stored on the server and creates a Check Out placeholder file for the part on the server. The result of the placeholder is that other users will know of the parts existence and cannot create a part using the same name.
Step 11
Paul is done editing and is ready for Rob to see his changes and new parts. Paul uses the Check In Tree command to Check In tuner and all its children that have been checked out. Rob uses the File Status browser's Update Status command to see the changes.
Notice that Rob's File Status browser does not show the new parts. Why? Autodesk Inventor checks the status of each open file. The tuner assembly that is currently open does not know about the new parts. The new parts show up when the assembly is refreshed to see the latest version of the tuner assembly.
Step 12
Lastly, Rob uses the Assembly Refresh command to see the files that Paul updated. Notice that the File Status browser now shows the new parts.
In general, it is not a good idea for different files to have the same file name. In most cases, Autodesk Inventor takes the first file it comes to as it looks for the referenced file in the active project. There is one exception to this rule, Libraries.
What is a library? It is typically some collection of related data files that you reference but don't modify. Often the files come from third-party vendors that have their own file naming schemes. As a result, Autodesk Inventor allows different libraries to have files with the same name.
What distinguishes a Library from other search paths is that you locate them in a separate folder with which you associate a name. The name distinguishes these files from those that are specific to your project and from other libraries. Autodesk Inventor refers to a library as a Name Space. Within a given library, each file must have a unique file name. However, different libraries can have files with the same name.
There are many scenarios where things do not go as planned, and there is a need to either steal a Check Out from someone else, or cancel a Check Out. Let's look at some possibilities:
In these situations, you can use the Resolve command on any file that has a Check Out pending. When issued, the following dialog box is displayed and provides options to either Steal Check Out or Cancel Check Out.
A Cancel Check Out makes the file on the server available for Check Out to anyone. The user who previously had it checked out still has the file in their workspace with whatever changes were made and its status eventually changes to unresolved (the Check Out can be stolen back). The Steal Check Out is a combination of a Cancel Check Out and a Check Out, except that the person you stole the Check Out from is an unknowing participant, and may have cleanup work to do as a consequence. It is best to avoid using Steal Check Out unless there are no alternatives.
The Autodesk Inventor Content Library allows the user to specify where generated files that represent standard content should be stored. The storage location is defined by selecting the Configure button on the Content Library browser. |
By default, the Content Library store files with the Parent Assembly. This is an appropriate setting when the multi-user option is turned off. If the multi-user option is set to Shared or Semi-isolated, then it is required that a library be defined as the storage location.
The simplest of single user setups uses an unaltered Default project file. Each design that is worked on is stored in a separate folder. There is no sharing of files between designs. If a design needs to use a part in another design, the part is copied. Alternatively, all designs are stored in a single folder. |
This scenario also uses the Default project, but the project is edited to contain two Library definitions. The user can hop around from design to design, and always have access to a shared set of common components. |
In this scenario, the user creates a project file for each design that they are working on. The project file contains the two libraries and two workgroup search paths. The addition of the workgroup search paths allows for file references to cross-folders, which do not have an ancestral relationship.
Notice that the Workgroup search paths point to folders that are subfolders of where the Project File is located. This allows the design to easily move from one location to another without having to edit the Project file.
Following is a recommended procedure for setting up a team to work in semi-isolated mode.
The semi-isolated mode of operation can add value even for a single user. In this situation, the user is not making use of collision avoidance, but simply the ability to isolate in-work changes from the baseline design. By not making changes directly to the baseline design, it is easier to cancel a design change if it does not work out as expected. All the user has to do is a cancel Check Out.
This is the only situation where it can make sense for a single project file to contain both Workspace and Workgroup definitions. Even in this scenario, there may be merit to using a separate workspace project file that includes a group project file.
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