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Development Form - Employee




This sample demonstrates the ability of PowerBuilder 10 to display multilanguage characters in a single page. The sample PBL contains a window and a FreeForm DataWindow object that displays employee d 919n132j etails from the Employee table in the Unicode version of the EAS Demo database.


Unicode enabling.

Setting up Your Environment

For international characters to display correctly in the DataWindow, they must be installed on your system. You can install additional characters from the Windows control panel using the Regional Options (Windows 2000) or Regional and Language Options (Windows XP) dialog boxes.

Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) 9.0.1 and the EAS Demo database must be installed on your system. Both are installed as part of the PowerBuilder typical install.

Detailed Steps

  1. Open the Employee workspace.
  2. In the Database Profiles dialog box, expand ODB ODBC, select EAS Demo DB V10 Unicode, and click Connect.
  3. In the Database painter Objects view, expand the list of tables in the EAS Demo DB V10 Unicode database, right-click the Employee table and select Edit Data>Grid from the pop-up menu.
  4. In the Results view, scroll through the rows. You will notice several employees have names and addresses that use international characters.
  5. To start the application, click the Run icon in the PowerBar.
  6. Click the Next Page button five times to view the details for the first employee whose name and address use international characters.

You can use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to navigate through all the records in the table. Click the Update button if you make changes that you want to save to the database.

For more information

For more information about Unicode support in PowerBuilder, see the chapter on internationalizing an application in Application Techniques in the compiled HTML Help file.

Document Info

Accesari: 1065
Apreciat: hand-up

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