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Fserve Setup


Fserve Setup:

First, click Invision > File Server Manager.

Once the window opens, you should be on the "Setup" tab.

This is what you will see. Below I will list the things you should change from the Setup tab.

  • Max Sends: This is how many sends you want going out at a time. Each = one user Total = Separate users. So if you want to sends total, but not two from the same person, Put 1 for Each and 1 for Total.
  • Max Queues: This sets the number of queues you want there to be. Set it to 2 Each and whatever total you want.
  • Max Users: The number of peo 24524q167y ple you can have on your fserve at one time. Set this to whatever you want.
  • Advertising Channels: Uncheck all channels, then type in #Movienight and click Add. If it already has #Invision listed as on of the advertising channels, click it and then click Rem.
  • File Server Chat: When a user types something that's not a fserve command, all users on the fserve can see it. This doesn't matter what you have it set to.
  • Slot Announcer: Turn this OFF!! It is very annoying.
  • Enable on Start: If you want your file server to start automatically when you connect to the server, select this option.
  • Enable Remote Control: Leave unchecked
  • Enable Size Guard: Leave unchecked.
  • Enable Anti-Camp: You can check this box. It makes it so that fserve users can't idle and take up "Max Users" slots.
  • Enable Insta-Send: Uncheck it.
  • Enable Flex Speed: Leave unchecked.
  • Enable !Search/@Find: This enables users to locate files that may be on your server from a channel. Leave this one checked.
  • Enable !List: Definitely check this box. It advertises your fserve when someone in the advertising channel types !List.
  • Minimum DCC Send Speed: If you are on a fast connection you might want to set this to 2000 or so. If you are on a slow connection like a modem, set it to 0. You can leave Minimum CPS Check Delay at 10 seconds.
  • MOTD: This is where you will put what you have on your fserve. This shows up in your fserve ad.
  • Everything else you can leave alone.

Now click the Triggers tab.

Ok, well here's how it works. If you have only one folder you want to share, you only need to use 1 trigger. If you have two or more folders they are not Sub-Folders (Folders that are not inside the folder you are sharing) then you may want more triggers. Enabling the trigger: Make sure "Enable Trigger 1" is checked. Next, where it says "Trigger 1:", that is where you want to put the text the user will type to get into your fserve.... So you can make that !My Moviez , !New Movies , or whatever you want it. It doesn't have to have the ! in it though.
There is a button, which says "AscIIize" this just makes the trigger look "cool". You don't need to click this. You can also leave "Allow /CTCP" unchecked.
Now you need to set the folder, which you will be serving. Click the "..." button next to Root Directory. It will bring up a box like this:

Select the folder that you will be serving to other users. Note: Do not just click C:, this will give everyone access to your entire hard drive.
"Welcome File" is not needed. If you have a text file with rules or something like that, click the "..." next to it and select the file.
That's it for setting up the fserve. Now you can close this window.

7. Starting the Fserve:

Ok now, you are done setting up the file server. Now you just need to start it. But before you start it you need to connect to a server. Type: /Server IRC.Sandnet.Net in the status window. Make sure you have joined #Movienight (this is done by typing: /join #movienight in the status window). Once you have joined, right click in the channel and click Server Controls > File Server > Start Now. If you checked start on connect click display ad instead.

The file server will now start advertising. If it doesn't, then you missed something in one of the earlier steps.

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Accesari: 847
Apreciat: hand-up

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