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Genuine Windows Validation - Windows Piracy Check


Genuine Windows Validation - Windows Piracy Check
All Windows users who use Windows Update to keep the version of windows updated are now required to validate your version of windows installed on your computer 17417i818r before being allowed to use and download updates using Windows Update.

So go ahead of follow the validation procedure by running windows update. At the end of that process you will see this screen shot that shows you what you'll see if your system doesn't pass validation.

What you need to do

With the "Validation Failure" screen still showing - open click on "Tools" and from the drop down menu click on "Manage Add-ons . . ." as shown below. Be sure to keep the

"Validation Failure" screen showing or else this will not work!

A dialogue will appear (shown below). Select

Windows Genuine Advantage and Select Disable for the add-on

Run windows update again and you should get a pop-up balloon message as shown below. Ignore the message and windows update should work as normal.

Note: "Manage Add-on" option is only available on Windows XP Service Pack 1 & Service Pack 2.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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